Wednesday 11/8: Transitions, Vocab + Relay, Alyce

Tomorrow’s Test (already?): Transitions, Vocabulary, RBC Remote, TMA.

Checking KBAR Summaries.

“Transitions, 11/8.” (9p)
furthermore, first, in fact, until then, consequently, in contrast, second, then, however, but, nevertheless

  1.  (3) ______, I will boil the water. ______, I will brew the tea, and ____, I will serve it.
  2. I know Pedro quite well. _____, Pedro happens to be my best friend.
  3. Jackie studies all the time; ______, Billy never studies. (Not however. Not that one either.)
  4. First, Mary went to the store, and _____ she went to visit her mother.
  5. (2) The medication seems effective. _____, more research must be done to see if it’s safe. _____, it’s best to avoid it.

  6. Write a sentence using the word nevertheless. (Bonus if it is about Alyce.)



“Vocabulary Practice, 11/8.” Write the word. (12p)

  1. (#6) _____
  2. (#6) _____
  3. (#9) _____
  4. (#7) _____
  5. (#6) We sat there, ___(ed) in his fascinating shipwreck tale.
  6. (#6) The theme of Richard Cory is that what you ______ is not necessarily what the reality is.
  7. (#8) compelling : boring :: scarce : _____
  8. (#8) “Now, now, don’t be ______. Speak up!”
  9. (#7) I was ____ when I saw the 5/10 rating from the guest teacher!
  10. (#7) Cigarette smoking has ___(ed) since 1967 to its lowest rate ever.
  11. (#9) Everyone promised to ____ by Judge Judy’s decision.
  12. (#8) His brother’s sudden disappearance caused great ______ in the family.



“RBC Web Page, 11/8.”  (7p) Write the answer, not the letter.

  1. When the student searched for “Could an asteroid hit Earth?” the search engine returned more than 10,000 results. a) True b) False c) You can’t tell.
  2. Even though the student asked a five word question, the search engine ignored one or more of them. How many words were ignored? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
  3. A link is always underlined. a) True b) False
  4. A web address is also known as a… a) ULR. b) http. c) search engine. d) site. e) URL.
  5. Not including the search feature, how many “interactive areas” (places where you can do something) are linked to on the “All About Asteroids” main page? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 0
  6. From what we can tell from the main page, the “All About Asteroids” site gives information on… a) how many asteroids hit Mars each year. b) how people can make their own model asteroids. c) what an asteroid is. d) movie myths about asteroids. e) all of the above.
  7. Which link would you click to look for something else about asteroids on the “All About Asteroids” site that’s not listed on the main page? a) See More Science Topics b) See More General Topics c) Search This Site d) E-mail the Authors e) Take This Poll


ALYCE – to the end!

  • Who is the month of June named after? Why is that important to this story?
  • Alyce has three good options in Chapter 17; but instead of choosing one of these, she decides to return to the village.
    -What are her three options?  -Why does she decide to return to the village instead?
  • Initially, Jane Sharp would not allow Alyce to be her apprentice again. Why?
  • This book was a sort of a quest story. What was Alyce looking for? Did she find it?
  • What do you think the main theme of the book is?
  • Read the dedication. What does it mean?

-Would you want to trade places with Alyce? (why? or why not?)
-Are there any advantages to her situation, compared to yours? (besides homework).
-What might Alyce think about going to 7th Grade classes at Laguna Middle School?

Tuesday, 11/7: CRAAP, Vocab, RBC, Alyce

The CRAAP Test.
Currency – Relevance – Authority – Accuracy – Purpose

“CRAAP, 11/6.”

  1. As I display each web page, talk over with your group what links I should click to try to determine the main purpose of the website.
  2. As I click the links, talk over with your group what the purpose of the website is:
    –Advocacy – to sway opinion, to advocate for something?
    –Commercial – to promote or sell something?
    –Reference/information – to provide useful information or services?

Please say what you think the purpose is and what makes you think so.



“Transitions, 11/7.” Write the appropriate transition word or phrase for each blank.
meanwhile, furthermore, first, third, in fact, until then, consequently, in contrast, nevertheless, however, for example, as a result

  1. He stayed up too late last night; ______, he slept until noon.
  2. I would like to read many books; _____, I don’t seem to have enough time to read.
  3. John ate and ate; _____, he never gained weight.
  4. I want you to buy milk, eggs, and fruit juice; ____, I want you to be sure to get cereal and ice cream.
  5. I was concentrating on my homework. ____,  the soup boiled over.

  6. Write a sentence about Alyce using the transition word therefore.


“Vocabulary, 11/7.”  Use lists 6-9. 

  1. _____
  2. What a(n) ______(ing) smile!
  3. “I’m not paranoid! I’m _____ about being apprehended!”
  4. (2) “When applying for a job, always remember that the most ____ person is the person who can hide his ____(ce) best.”
  5. Give an example of a derivative of the root ject.
  6. (2) In the fable “The Tortoise and the Hare,” the tortoise is ______ and the hare is ______.
  7. The clown _____(tion) filled the parking lot with tiny cars.
  8. I really like mystery novels because of all the adventure and _____.
  9. In his classroom, the least ___ is met with serious consequences.
  10. The Socs’ attitude toward the greasers is one of _____.
  11. The three hour Advanced Placement test was very _____. She took a long nap afterward.
  12. He was ___(ed) to his room until his homework was finished.


Checking RBC 368-369

“RBC Public Notice, 11/8.” Write the answer NOT the letter. (10p)  Collaborative.

  1. There are classes for kids of all ages under 18.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  2. You have to be able to swim to sign up for the swim classes. a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  3. Which class would it probably be smart to sign up early for?
  4. Why?
  5. You have to have your own cleats and shin guards to sign up for soccer.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  6. You have to have your own musical instrument to be in the jazz band.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  7. You have to be able to speak English to participate in the activities.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  8. Which of the activities do(es) not say it requires parental permission?  a) soccer  b) swimming  c) band  d) band and soccer  e) They all require parental permission.
  9. (2) What are two things you could do to find more info about the classes?



Why is “giving up” different than “failing”?


What prompted Alyce’s first cry? Was Alyce’s trip to the manor a success?  Does she accomplish all she wanted to?

Monday, 11/6: Homework, SAWs, Debrief Test #11, CRAAP, Alyce

Copy homework into planner.

KBAR = nonfiction. Response = 1 paragraph summary. M, T, W.

“SAWs, 11/6.” — consequence, undernourished, extract, modify, DNA. Each one used twice except DNA.



Go over Test #11.

Intro: The CRAAP Test.
Currency – Relevance – Authority – Accuracy – Purpose

Purpose: What are the three (3) main purposes for a website?
–Advocacy – to sway opinion, to advocate for something.
–Commercial – to promote or sell something.
–Reference/information – to provide useful information or services.

What do you think the PURPOSE is for the last website?




Thursday, 11/2: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #11

Have a great 3-day weekend!

Prep sheet for Test #11:
KBAR CHART: ___/15
RBC Pills: ___/14  (7 for h/w + 7 for quiz)
RBC Bus: ___/14    (7 for stamp + 7 for quiz)
Vocabulary: 10/31:___/15  11/1:___/13

Mental Floss.

  1. Shmartiopolis was bragging to his friends that he was such an excellent darts player, he could hit the dartboard in any location at any time. “I’ll bet a hundred dollars that, no matter what position you name on the board, I’ll be able to hit it from 10 feet away.” Maddy, tired of Shmartiopolis’s bragging, shouted out an answer and won the bet. Where on the dartboard did Maddy suggest? 
  2. Wacky Wordies:  a)  b) 22Day
  3. What 8-letter word uses the letter “g” four times?
  4. A tennis player is ranked number 200. He moved up 87, went down 28, and went up 117 places. What is he ranked?
  5. A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl with the unusual name of Pibbles. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Pibbles seven apples. Why?
  6. Use the clues below to figure out the missing four words to complete the old expression:
    Baby = Slept peacefully.  Child = Slept well.   Woman = Slept restlessly.   Man = Slept peacefully.
    —>The man ___  ___  ___  ___.


Test #11.



Wednesday, 11/1: Vocab Review, RBC, TMA

Friday is a day off, remember? So…
Tomorrow’s Test: RBC (weather + reruns), Vocabulary Reruns, Husker Du, TMA.
BRING YOUR RBC PACKET! You will need it for the test.

“Vocabulary Review, 11/1.” (p)

  1. Most religions promise eternal _____ in something like Heaven. (1)
  2. A person who doesn’t like to ____ to the group is often looked at as an outsider.  (1)
  3. Ponyboy was very ____ after Johnny cut his hair.  (5)
  4. flashback : reveals :: _____ : foreshadows  (5)
  5. The Socs are the ____ social class in 1967 Tulsa.  (2)
  6. Even though I was nervous, I tried to act cool and ______.  (1)
  7. “You’re hungry?” he said _____(ly), “I’m the one who hasn’t eaten all day!”  (3)
  8. Every time Mr. Coward played the beat, he _____(ed) a response from the class, who thought someone was coming through the door. (4)
  9. Even after I read the poem three times, the meaning still ______(ed) me. (2)
  10. For Esteban, the word dropout had the ______ of a delinquent breaking out windows. (1)
  11. I did not want to be ___(ed); I felt I was savvy enough to make my own decisions.  (4)
  12. Pony was _____ when he thought of what life was like when his parents were alive. (3)

  13. The root cred, as in incredulous and incredible, means to ____.


Vocabulary Relay! I picked 11 words!


“RBC, p375.” Write the answer, not the letter. (7p +7p for stamp = 14p possible.)

  1. What did you answer for #1?  a) Grand  b) Delaware  c) Lincoln  d) Lawrence  e) NOTA / I didn’t answer this question.
  2. What did you answer for #2? a) weekday  b) weekend  c) holiday  d) I didn’t answer this question.
  3. What is the fourth stop on the route?
  4. What did you answer for #4?  a) 9:20  b) 9:52  c) 9:22  d) 8:57  e) NOTA / I didn’t answer this question.
  5. What did you circle for question #5?  a) A  b) B  c) C  d) D  e) I didn’t circle anything.
  6. About how many hours of the day does this schedule show? a) 5  b) 7 1/2  c) 12  d) 17  e) You can’t tell.
  7. If you wanted to travel from Memorial Hospital to Lawrence Station on this line, and you catch the 8:14 bus, what time will you arrive at Lawrence Station?  a) 8:14  b) 8:25  c) 7:55  d) 8:28  e) You can’t tell.


The Midwife’s Apprentice

  • Do an SWBS sentence for chapter 11 — The Leaving:
    _____ wanted… but…  so…


Go Alyce!