Friday, 2/14: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #21

TuTu Schedule.

Prep Sheet for Test #21:
Giver KBARR:___/18   Giver Quizzes: ___/7  ___/8        Other Extra Credit:

Mental Floss.

  1. James said that he was born on February 29, 1900. What birthday did he celebrate in the year 2000?
  2. Can you figure out these common, polite expressions?
    • a) The 16th letter of the alphabet + to rent
    • b)  Former + sticks used for pool + not you
  3. These word pairs are not in relation to each other, but if you find their synonyms, the two words will rhyme.  Example : Plump Feline = Fat Cat
    a) Funny/Smart Cat   b) Wedding Limo (2)  c) Untamed Minor
  4. You will be given clues for the two words. The second word is the first word with the first letter removed.
    a)  area between mountains –>   narrow passage between buildings
    b) spew out –>  leave out
    c) a shape –>  a number

Test #21.

Doodle Theme: A new piece of technology.