Wednesday, 1/15: WoD, Vladek, Last Chance for Essays

Tomorrow’s Quiz: Picks from your class’s review test + Vladek. About 15 questions. No Preview. Go study your class’s test!

Periods One and Two
“Test 2, 1/15.”

Period 3
“Test 5, 1/15.”

Period 5
“Test 4, 1/15”

Period 6.
“Test 12/2, 1/15.”

Vladek Quiz.

  1. p221, first panel, the one on the right.
  2. Why did Vladek ask for the kapo’s piece of paper?
  3. p223, the mouse in stripes.
  4. Why did Anja’s kapo change her attitude toward Anja?
  5. What was “Black Work”?
  6. p228, second to last panel, the one in stripes. _____

Maus Chapter 3.  Online Version

Last Chance to Work on ESSAYS!

Interviews. Share FINISHED ESSAY (Not Notes) with me by end of day THURSDAY, 1/16.

Checklist and Rubric.

  • Introduction: Setting. Description of scene/setting. How it was set up. Why you chose this person. Relationship to this person.
  • Description of person. Show, don’t tell.
    • Looks. (Details.)
    • Voice and choice of words. Delivery.
    • Personality. (Bitter? Enthusiastic? Happy? Lost in memories? Crabby?  What?)
  • The intro/description should be 200-300 words.
  • Interview.
    • Questions you asked, followed by answers and follow up. (“My first question was…”  “I started by asking…” Etc.)
    • You may summarize their answers, but please include at least three good quotes (word for word, as close as you can get, using quotation marks) that use the person’s actual words.
  • Conclusion: Discuss what you learned, most surprising info, most interesting, change in attitude toward older people, etc. About 50-75 words.
  • Name and Period and AN INTERESTING TITLE actually typed into the document.

Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, Sample 4