Tomorrow’s Test: Clauses (I, D, I + D, not), Vocabulary (copied/pasted from practices), Nuremburg notes (open), Vladek, (open).
“Clauses, 1/7.” Write I, D, ID, or D,I as needed. (No, there’s no I+I; I will explain. haha. )
- Johnny grew almost six feet tall with a head of red hair.
- Jill drove the car out to the llama’s house in the country.
- Joe ate the hot dog even though the llama told him not to.
- Since Jenni ate the hot dog, she got sick.
- After the llama chased Julia inside, she watched TV.
- Although the llama was fast.
- Jack was much quicker than the llama was.
- Daisy asked the clerk for directions to the llama museum.
- Joaquin told her that he saw the llama yesterday.
- If you had studied, you might have done as well as the llama.
“Vocabulary 1/7.”
- This kid is not_____(ed).
- “Ali’s _____ for his new business was not always appreciated by his clients.”
- _____
- _____
- _____
- His ____ appearance was one sign that he had been up for days.
- The pain in his gut was sudden and _____ as soon as he ate the poison blowfish.
- In The Outsiders, the Socs had both wealth and social _______.
- (4) Their _____(ous) _______ helped make the Nazi’s _______ _______ in Germany. (Oooh, tough one.)
Vocabulary Relay!
Video of Art Spiegelman visiting the location of the hangings. (10:00 – 13:49)
Also: Why he used cats and mice: (2:12–3:30)