Thursday, 1/7: Clauses, Vocabulary + Relay, Vladek

Tomorrow’s Test: Clauses (I, D,  I + D, not), Vocabulary (copied/pasted from practices), Nuremburg notes (open), Vladek, (open).

“Clauses, 1/7.” Write I, D, ID, or D,I as needed. (No, there’s no I+I; I will explain. haha. )

  1. Johnny grew almost six feet tall with a head of red hair.
  2. Jill drove the car out to the llama’s house in the country.
  3. Joe ate the hot dog even though the llama told him not to.
  4. Since Jenni ate the hot dog, she got sick.
  5. After the llama chased Julia inside, she watched TV.
  6. Although the llama was fast.
  7. Jack was much quicker than the llama was.
  8. Daisy asked the clerk for directions to the llama museum.
  9. Joaquin told her that he saw the llama yesterday.
  10. If you had studied, you might have done as well as the llama.


“Vocabulary 1/7.”
Spoiling-Kids-Heres-How-You-Can-Stopbusiness mcdonalds_416x416faulty-analogy-and-circular-reasoning-fallacies-23-638

  1. This kid is not_____(ed).
  2. “Ali’s _____ for his new business was not always appreciated by his clients.”
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. His ____ appearance was one sign that he had been up for days.
  7. The pain in his gut was sudden and _____ as soon as he ate the poison blowfish.
  8. In The Outsiders, the Socs had both wealth and social _______.
  9. (4) Their _____(ous)  _______ helped make the Nazi’s _______  _______ in Germany. (Oooh, tough one.)


Vocabulary Relay!



Video of Art Spiegelman visiting the location of the hangings. (10:00 – 13:49)
Also: Why he used cats and mice: (2:12–3:30)