Thursday, 11/4: Mental Floss, TMA

Use a separate sheet of paper for everything today. Make sure your name and period are at the top and that you title and date everything as usual.

Checking KBARR. Record score on the separate sheet.

“Mental Floss.”

  1. From what can you take away the whole, and still have some left?
  2. I am more microscopic than microscopic; I am more minuscule than minuscule. I am smaller than small and I am tinier than tiny. Yet surprisingly, I am still big. What am I?
  3. Wacky Wordy. What 6-word phrase is represented?

  4. A cat had three kittens: Mopsy, Topsy, and Spot. What was the mother’s name. Remember to please capitalize the name of the momma kitty when you write.
  5. What do these three things have in common? Corn, Weasel, Balloon


  1. Which of these is NOT something Alyce wanted from life?  a) enough food to eat  b) a purpose in life  c) a contented heart  d) to be smart   e) All of the above were things she wanted.
  2. What is the point of the Midwife’s speech on p88?  a) She’s giving Magister Reese advice for his life.  b) She thinks Jennet might make a good apprentice.  c) She’s giving info for the encyclopedia.   d) She’s giving Alyce advice.   e) NOTA
  3. What inspired Alyce to go see Edward at the manor?    a) When she heard he got eaten by a goat.  b) When she watched the cow snuggle her new calf.  c) When Magister Reese asked her whether she had any family.  d) When Will Russet told her about Alyce Little.  e) It just came out of the nowhere.  f) NOTA
  4. When the author says on p92 that the cook had “words pouring forth from her mouth with none to listen,” what does she mean?    a) The cook is crazy.  b) Nobody listens to the cook.  c) Everything the cook says is a lie.  d) The cook is talking to herself.  e) The cook will talk to anyone.  f) NOTA
  5. What prompted Alyce’s first real crying? a) When she couldn’t find Edward.  b) When the cook said they looked like twins.  c) When Edward first hugged her.  d) When the carpenter’s assistant said Edward might have been eaten by a goat.  e) NOTA

ALYCE – to the end!


“TMA Me.”

  1. -Would you want to trade places with Alyce? (why? or why not?)
  2. -Are there any advantages to her situation, compared to yours? (besides homework).
  3. -What might Alyce think about going to 7th Grade classes at Laguna Middle School?


“TMA Group.” One question per group.

  1. What was the CLIMAX of the story?
  2. Alyce has three good options in Chapter 17. What are her three options?
  3. Why does she decide to return to the village?
  4. Initially, Jane Sharp would not allow Alyce to be her apprentice again. Why?
  5. This book was a sort of a quest story. What was Alyce looking for? Did she find it?
  6. What do you think the main theme of the book is?
  7. Read the dedication. What does it mean?




Wednesday, 11/3: Common Assessment

Lancer Community Code of Conduct:
Every student has the right to learn. Every teacher has the right to teach. Every member of our school community has the right to a safe school environment.
This means everyone uses respectful language. Absolutely no racial slurs, homophobic comments, or misogynistic comments.

Walk at all times. Do not yell. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Keep moving on the right side of the hallway to avoid congestion. No food, drink, or bad language in the hallways. Have a hall pass or blue slip when out during class time. If you see something, say something.

Narrative Writing Assessment.

The part you probably don’t have yet is a conclusion which would be the RESOLUTION of your narrative. What did you learn or gain from this experience? Also make sure you have plenty of exposition/intro.

Your narrative should follow a Plot Mountain sort of thing. Exposition – Inciting Incident (that’s the main event in your story) – Rising Action (in this story, necessarily short) – Climax (FINALLY…) – Resolution (I learned…)

In your writing, make sure you include:

  • Effective opening and closing
  • Well-developed characters
  • Consistent point-of-view
  • Elaboration to help readers picture your story
  • Sensory details and narrative style choices
  • Effective narrative techniques (dialogue, plot devices, etc….)
  • Variety of transition words
  • Capitals, end marks, and other appropriate conventions

Your essay will be scored using the following criteria:

  • Purpose and Organization: Is the main idea clearly communicated? Is the essay clearly focused? How well did your ideas thoughtfully flow from beginning to end using effective transitions? How effective were your introduction and your conclusion?
  • Elaboration/Evidence: How well did you elaborate your ideas? How well did you clearly state ideas using precise language that is appropriate for your audience and purpose?
  • Conventions: How well did you follow the rules of grammar usage, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling?

Save a few minutes at the end to read it over and catch obvious errors.

Final Draft due at the end of the period.

You probably should have 600+ words by the time it’s complete.


Finished early?


  1. Which of these is NOT something Alyce wanted from life?  a) enough food to eat  b) a purpose in life  c) a contented heart  d) to be smart   e) All of the above were things she wanted.
  2. What is the point of the Midwife’s speech on p88?  a) She’s giving Magister Reese advice for his life.  b) She thinks Jennet might make a good apprentice.  c) She’s giving info for the encyclopedia.   d) She’s giving Alyce advice.   e) NOTA
  3. What inspired Alyce to go see Edward at the manor?    a) When she heard he got eaten by a goat.  b) When she watched the cow snuggle her new calf.  c) When Magister Reese asked her whether she had any family.  d) When Will Russet told her about Alyce Little.  e) It just came out of the nowhere.  f) NOTA
  4. When the author says on p92 that the cook had “words pouring forth from her mouth with none to listen,” what does she mean?    a) The cook is crazy.  b) Nobody listens to the cook.  c) Everything the cook says is a lie.  d) The cook is talking to herself.  e) The cook will talk to anyone.  f) NOTA
  5. What prompted Alyce’s first real crying? a) When she couldn’t find Edward.  b) When the cook said they looked like twins.  c) When Edward first hugged her.  d) When the carpenter’s assistant said Edward might have been eaten by a goat.  e) NOTA

Tuesday, 11/2: Counselors Present Career Readiness

Lancer Community Code of Conduct:
Every student has the right to learn. Every teacher has the right to teach. Every member of our school community has the right to a safe school environment.
This means everyone uses respectful language. Absolutely no racial slurs, homophobic comments, or misogynistic comments.

Walk at all times. Do not yell. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Keep moving on the right side of the hallway to avoid congestion. No food, drink, or bad language in the hallways. Have a hall pass or blue slip when out during class time. If you see something, say something.


Counselor Presentation:




Monday, 11/1: Homework, Debrief Test #10, TMA

Lancer Community Code of Conduct:
Every student has the right to learn. Every teacher has the right to teach. Every member of our school community has the right to a safe school environment.
This means everyone uses respectful language. Absolutely no racial slurs, homophobic comments, or misogynistic comments.

Walk at all times. Do not yell. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Keep moving on the right side of the hallway to avoid congestion. No food, drink, or bad language in the hallways. Have a hall pass or blue slip when out during class time. If you see something, say something.

No School Friday. Counselors tomorrow. Bring your Chromie!

Copy homework into planner. KBARR due THURSDAY!!! Bring CHROMIES ALL WEEK Beginning tomorrow.

“Daily Scramble, 11/1.” (p78 top)
(Bonus: What kind of sentence is it? Tricky!)

  • to her broom
  • and sweep furiously
  • talking to the cat
  • so instead he took to
  • after a while
  • speak to her
  • but she would only clutch tighter
  • in silence
  • he tried to

Debrief Test #10. (hrrrmmm)





Friday, 10/29: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #10

3-Mile Run Link For Homies:

Prep sheet for Test #10:

KBAR: ___/20 (Each stamp = 5 points)

Vocabulary Homework: ___/15 (Stamp = 5  +  SMYK’s = /10)

Vocabulary: ___/12 ___/12 ___/13

# of scramble matches:_____
Other Extra Credit: Period 6 gets +2 for vocab relay, Period 1,2,5 get +1.  PINK Sheet (10/10) = +1



Mental Floss

  1. Shmartiopolis was bragging to his friends that he was such an excellent darts player, he could hit the dartboard in any location at any time. “I’ll bet a hundred dollars that, no matter what position you name on the board, I’ll be able to hit it from 10 feet away.” Maddy, tired of Shmartiopolis’s bragging, shouted out an answer and won the bet. Where on the dartboard did Maddy suggest? 
  2. Wacky Wordies:  a)  b) 22Day
  3. What 8-letter word uses the letter “g” four times?  (Not a trick.)
  4. A tennis player is ranked number 200. He moved up 87, went down 28, and went up 117 places. What is he ranked?
  5. A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl with the unusual name of Pibbles. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Pibbles seven apples. Why?
  6. Use the clues below to figure out the missing four words to complete the old expression:
    Baby = Slept peacefully.  Child = Slept well.   Woman = Slept restlessly.   Man = Slept peacefully.
    —>The man ___  ___  ___  ___.


TEST #10 – 2021


Doodle Theme: What Mr. Coward would be doing if he weren’t a teacher.