Test #8.
Vocabulary.   a) derivative  b) disreputable  c) tumultuous  d) tantalize  e) stanch  f) boon  g) sham  h) abide  i) taunt  j) incompetent
  1. Along some parts of the border, they have built a giant fence to try to ______ the flow of illegal drugs and immigrants.
  2. Aspirin is a ______ of the bark of the willow tree. 
  3. responsible : disreputable :: calm : ____ 
  4. The cat liked to "bite at the ____(ingly) moving pen."  
  5. I cannot ____ someone who cheats; they lose all my respect.
  6. Some people think it’s a good idea to build a giant fence to try to _____ the flow of illegal drugs and immigrants.
  7. It looks like the train wreck was the result of a(n) ______ engineer driving the train. (Not sham.)
  8. Is high-technology a _____ for mankind... 
  9. ...or is it a _____ and just another way for companies to sell more stuff? 
  10. The bully ______ her about her raggedy clothes. 
  11. Unlike the Socs, the greasers were considered to be _______ characters.

    Husker Du?
  12. We have three ____ in our class.  a) Morris's  b) Morris'  c) Morrises  d) NOTA
  13. That embarrassing moment when you realize that your llama just wrote a run on sentence.  a) Fragment  b) Run On  c) Correct Sentence
  14. Up, up, and away flew my beautiful llama balloon.    a) Fragment  b) Run On  c) Correct Sentence
  15. The upstairs library is a great place for quiet studying.  Adjectives?  a) upstairs  b) great, quiet  c) upstairs, great, quiet  d) upstairs, great  e) NOTA
  16. he: a) first person b) second person c) third person  d) fourth person

  17. The medication seems effective, _____, more research must be done to see if it’s safe.   a) therefore  b) furthermore  c) nevertheless  d) so  e) consequently  f) NOTA
  18. I would like to read many books ________ I don’t seem to have enough time to read.  a) nevertheless  b) furthermore  c) then  d) therefore  e) because  f) NOTA
  19. John ate and ate, _____, he never gained weight.   a) even so  b) furthermore  c) so  d) therefore  e) consequently  f) NOTA
  20. Joe ate too fast. _______, he had a stomach ache.  a) Nevertheless  b) Furthermore  c) Meanwhile  d) Still  e) As a result   f) NOTA

  21. "It amazed me that Johnny could get more meaning out of that book...than I could... I was supposed to be the smart one."  a) foreshadowing  b) flashback  c) theme  d) irony  e) NOTA
  22. What does Randy say Bob wanted from his parents that he never got? (p116)   a) Money.  b) To spoil him rotten.  c) To help him with his troubles.  d) To tell him no.  e) All of the above.  f) NOTA
  23. What reason does Ponyboy give Randy for going into the church to save the kids?  a) He doesn't really know.  b) He thought it would get him off easy for the incident in the park.  c) He felt guilty for starting the fire.  d) He liked all the publicity. e) NOTA
  24. What makes Pony finally realize Cherry was right when she said, "Things are rough all over"?  (p117)  a) When Randy tells him about Bob's parents  b) When Randy says that he wouldn't have tried to save the kids.  c) When he reads the newspaper articles.  d) When Randy explains why he won't show at the rumble.  e) When Two-Bit agrees with her.  f) NOTA
  25. How is Bob like Johnny?  a) Johnny is dying and Bob is dead.  b) They hated each other. c) They both were good at fighting.  d) They both needed their parents to pay attention to them.  e) They're not alike at all.
  26. What makes Pony, for the first time, think of Dally as his buddy? (p124) a) When Dally saved Johnny.  b) When Dally helped them get away.  c) When Dally said he was glad he didn't accidentally kill Pony putting out the flames.  d) When Dally wants revenge for what the Socs did to Johnny.  e) When Dally yells at him as he's being taken into the emergency room.  f) NOTA
  27. On p126, we get an example of irony from Two-Bit. What is it? a) When he says that Darry will kill him if Pony's really sick.  b) When he pretends he doesn't know what Pony is talking about.  c) When he calls Pony chicken.  d) When he says that Darry's stricter with Pony than his parents were.  e) NOTA
  28. Pony goes off on Cherry (p129) because he thinks that she is _______(ing) him by helping the greasers before the rumble.  a) insult  b) patronize  c) disdain  d) aloof  e) NOTA
  29. Why does Pony suddenly bring up the sunset when he is talking to Cherry? (p 129) What is he trying to say? a) "I understand your problems now." b) He's trying to change the subject, because Johnny's condition is too sad to talk about. c) "Can I come over to your house to watch the sunset?"  d) He's trying to make her feel guilty.   e) NOTA