Test #10 Preview
a) vivid  b) saw  c) aspire  d) pacify  e) daunting  f) diminutive  g) pragmatic  h) volatile  i) dilemma  j) iconic 

  1. You may _______ to someday be as cool as Mr. Coward. (Good luck with that.)
  2. Doing your homework every day before playing video games is a _______ strategy for success.
  3. It was hard to believe that such a huge voice came from such a _______ girl.
  4. Sixth Period tried to ____ Mr. Coward’s anger with cookies.
  5. inspiring : daunting :: stable : ______
  6. She faced a _____ about turning in her friend for cheating.
  7. The root of this word means “life.” _____
  8. skinflint : benevolent :: ______ : easy
  9. Reading Shakespeare for the first time can be rather ______.
  10. They tried to ______ the angry mob by telling them their concerns would be addressed.
  11. “Dig and be dug in return” is Langston Hughes’s version of the old ____ about treating others how you want to be treated.
  12. The anthro part of anthropomorphic means...  a) past  b) funny  c) ancient  d) human  e) NOTA
  13. The morphic part of anthropomorphic means...  a) changed  b) shaped  c) animal-like  d) human-like  e) NOTA
  14. A "Civic Responsibilty" class would probably be about...  a) ancient civilizations.  b) how to be a resposible student.  c)Honda Civic automobile repair.  d) the future.  e) NOTA
  15. What right did the SOS law take away?  a) free speech  b) privacy  c) protest  d) to own a gun  e) NOTA
  16. Why did Gran-Da try to burn the flag?  a) He hated the SOS men.  b) It didn't have any meaning any more.  c) He wanted to be shot.  d) He was a Communist.  e) NOTA
  17. What was the real reason Donald turned Grand-Da in?  a) He was sick of Gran-Da living with them.  b) He was starting to believe Grand-Da's talk.  c) Grand-Da was a Communist.  d) He was afraid Gran-Da would get the whole family in trouble.  e) NOTA
  18. What is most likely the main theme of "Old Glory"?  a) That the right to a fair trial is important.  b) That freedom of speech is important.  c) That if people don't stand up for their rights, those rights might be taken away.  d) That you shouldn't burn flags.  e) NOTA
  19. The main conflict in "Old Glory" is... a) Donald vs his conscience  b) Donald vs his friends  c) Gran-Da vs the SOS men  d) Grand-Da vs society  e) Grand-Da vs Dad
  20. “The Forecast” is written in…  a) 1st person  b) 2nd person  c) 3rd person  d) 4th person
  21. “Old Glory” is written in…  a) 1st person  b) 2nd person  c) 3rd person  d) 4th person
  22.  Which character doesn’t belong with the others?   a) Pony  b) Little Julie  c) Gran-Da  d) Donald  e) Emily Dickinson's narrator
  23. What does the prefix eu- mean?  a) death  b) fun  c) good  d) natural  e) NOTA
  24. What physical sign does Vladek still have from the concentration camps?
  25. On p14, the circular panel marks the beginning of Vladek’s story in the past. Where do we first interrupt that story, and come back to the present for a moment? (page and panel)
  26. Maus is told in ____ person. a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 4th
    Name the character.
  27. p13, panel 4, the one in the dress.
  28. p17, panel 2, the one on the left
  29. p17, panel 2, the one on the right
  30. Why is Chapter One called “The Sheik”?