Test #6. Name:                                                                        Clicker #:                      Period: 
KBAR:___/24    Vocabulary Homework:___/15    Vocab___/12 ___/11  ___/12
Warm Ups: ___/5  ___/5  ___/5  Other Extra Credit:
Vocabulary.  a) barrage  b) circumvent  c) reminisce  d) sullen  e) siege  f) defunct  g) exploit  h) delirious  i) dispel  j) pensive
  1. The adventurer's ____(s) made for a great novel.
  2. The root of this word meant “to drive apart.”  _______
  3. The school newspaper has been __ for a long while, but they hope to revive it next year. 
  4. obey : ignore :: predict : ______  
  5. I was _____ and bored when Mom made me go to my sister’s ballet recital.
  6. mature : juvenile :: clear-headed : _______
  7. The thief __(ed) the alarm system, and was able to steal the jewels.
  8. Ponyboy was very ____ after Johnny cut his hair.  
  9. The large farm owners are often accused of ____(ing) the workers who pick the crops.  
  10. The roots of this word meant “around to come.”  ________

    FRO's    a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  11. All llamas aren’t like that you have to believe me.
  12. While the llama is a quadruped, he also has fins for swimming.
  13. In the beginning, there was nothing but llamas.
  14. Up, up, and away in my beautiful llama balloon.

    S/CD/CX (Pink Sheet ok.)    a) Simple = One I.   b) Compound = I + I    c) Complex = I + D or D + I
  15. After I ate a doughnut, I felt blissful.   a) simple  b) compound  c) complex
  16. We climbed slowly up the very steep hill.  a) simple  b) compound  c) complex
  17. Joe ran to the store with his llama.   a) simple  b) compound  c) complex
  18. You must say, “Sir,”  when you say, “Mr. Coward.”  a) simple  b) compound  c) complex
  19. I ate a second doughnut, and I went to the doctor.    a) simple  b) compound  c) complex

  20. What does Randy say Bob wanted from his parents that he never got? (p116)   a) Money.  b) To spoil him rotten.  c) To help him with his troubles.  d) To tell him no.  e) All of the above.  f) NOTA
  21. What makes Pony finally realize Cherry was right when she said, "Things are rough all over"?  (p117)  a) When Randy tells him about Bob's parents  b) When Randy says that he wouldn't have tried to save the kids.  c) When he reads the newspaper articles.  d) When Randy explains why he won't show at the rumble.  e) When Two-Bit agrees with her.  f) NOTA
  22. How is Bob like Johnny?  a) Johnny is dying and Bob is dead.  b) They hated each other. c) They both were good at fighting.  d) They both needed their parents to pay attention to them.  e) They're not alike at all.
  23. What makes Pony, for the first time, think of Dally as his buddy? (p124) a) When Dally saved Johnny.  b) When Dally helped them get away.  c) When Dally said he was glad he didn't accidentally kill Pony putting out the flames.  d) When Dally wants revenge for what the Socs did to Johnny.  e) When Dally yells at him as he's being taken into the emergency room.  f) NOTA
  24. What is Pony's main motivation for wanting to be in the rumble?  a) Revenge for Johnny.  b) He likes to fight. c) To prove himself to Dally.  d) Loyalty to the gang.  e) All of the above.  f) NOTA
  25. Cherry tells Pony why she liked Bob (p129), and he realizes that Bob was a lot like...   a) Darry  b) Two-Bit  c) Pony  d) Soda  e) Dally   f) Steve
  26. Pony goes off on Cherry (p129) because he thinks that she is _______(ing) him by helping the greasers before the rumble. a) mimic  b) illicit  c) discreet  d) hysterical  e) patronize  f) exploit
  27. Why does Pony suddenly bring up the sunset when he is talking to Cherry? (p129) What is he trying to say? a) "I understand your problems now."  b) He's trying to change the subject, because Johnny's condition is too sad to talk about. c) "Can I come over to your house to watch the sunset?"  d) He's trying to make her feel guilty. e) NOTA