Test #8. Name:                                                                                  Date:                                 Period:
Ap. 10-14:___/11     Last Weeks's KBAR: ___/24     
Vocabulary H/w: ___/15   
Vocabulary Practices: ___/13   ___/13   ___/12
Other Extra Credit:
Vocabulary. a) diligent  b) compelling  c) convene  d) turmoil  e) heedless  f) cordial  g) diffident   h) abundant  i) dire  j) grovel
  1.  compelling : boring :: rare : _____
  2.  In the fable “The Tortoise and the Hare,” the tortoise is ______ ...
  3. ...and the hare is _____. 
  4. The clown _____(tion) filled the parking lot with tiny cars. 
  5. The roots of this word meant "to distrust." ______
  6. The roots of this word mean “together to come.” ______
  7. The root of this word meant "heart." ______
  8. The ancient root of this word meant "to face downwards." _____
  9. His brother's sudden disappearance caused great ____ in the family. 

  10. _____ llama was selected for the fair.  a) Charles'  b) Charles's  c) Charle's   d) NOTA
  11. The _____ lounge is usually off-limits to students. (More than one.)  a) teacher's  b) teachers  c) teachers's  d) teachers'  e) NOTA
  12. _____ llama is that?  a) whose  b) who'se  c) who's  d) NOTA
  13. I think that llama is _____.   a) they're  b) theres  c) their's  d) theirs  e) NOTA
  14. The ____ softball team mascot is a llama.  (More than one.)  a) women's  b) woman's  c) womens's  d) NOTA
  15. I think ____ going to be OK. a) there  b) their  c) they're  d) NOTA
  16. I saw at least five _____ in Las Vegas.   a) Elvis's  b) Elviss  c) Elvises'  d) Elvises  e) Elvi   f) NOTA
  17. Is the title of this section spelled correctly?  a) Yes  b) No

    Husker Du?
  18. That embarrassing moment when you realize that your llama just wrote a run on sentence.  a) Fragment  b) Run On  c) Correct Sentence
  19. Up, up, and away in my beautiful llama balloon.    a) Fragment  b) Run On  c) Correct Sentence

    Place the events below on Plot Mountain. More than one event can be in the same place.
    a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action  d) climax  e) falling action  f) resolution
  20. the fire in the church ______
  21. Johnny and Dally die ______
  22. we find out that the book is Pony's theme for English _____
  23. Johnny kills Bob ______
  24. Ponyboy threatens the Socs  _____
  25. Dally, Johnny, and Pony go to the movies ______
  26. Pony is in denial about Johnny's death _____
  27. the greasers win the rumble ______
  28. Why is Two-Bit relieved when he sees Pony picking up the broken glass? (p172)  a) He didn't think Pony was being tough enough.  b) He was worried that Pony was getting hardened like Dally.  c) He didn't want anyone to get a flat tire.  d) He wanted the Socs to pick up the glass.  e) He thought Pony was a litterbug.  f) NOTA
  29. Reread the middle paragraph on p179. It's the one that begins, "Tell Dally." What is Pony's purpose in writing this all down?  a) To pass English.   b) To show everyone how gallant Johnny and Dally were. c) To try to show that we shouldn't judge people by how they look or what neighborhood they live in. d) To show that greasers like sunsets too. e) To show how people always discriminate against greasers.  f) To make money so he can have a better life.  g) NOTA