Wednesday, 4/7/99
Vocabulary Pretest:
  1. Part of the fun of the Mardis Gras parade are the beads, costumes, and ________ worn by the paraders.
  2. Joey didn't know he could act until his drama teacher brought out his _____________ talent.
  3. On a timed test, you must make _____________ use of your time, or you won't finish.
  4. The Sioux followed certain customs to prevent the child from _________(ing) the  husband's proper place in the mother's affection.
  5. I ________(ed) when I heard the _______ details of latest murder.
  6. When an animal is injured badly enough, we sometimes have to resort to __________ to put the animal out of its misery.
  7. The display made the food look so _________ that I had to order some; I couldn't resist.
  8. The applause for the singer was a bit ________; the audience was not really that excited.
  9. Most religions have many and various _______(s) and ceremonies.
judicious, rite, wince, usurp, enticing, regalia, lurid, euthanasia, tepid, latent

"...These were the Sioux" (in notebook)
A. How strict are your parents? What makes you say that?
[1(Not: Let you get away with everything)...3...5(average)...7...10 (Way!)]
B. Are your parents more/less strict than most of your friends parents?
C. How strict would you be if you were a parent? More or less than your parents? Why?
D. Do you think kids today are more or less respectful of parents/adults than previous generations? What makes you think so? Why might this be?
E. Do you think parents are more or less strict today than parents used to be? What makes you think so? Why might this be?

Read aloud, p410--> Take notes!!!
When finished, answer questions using only your notes!