Wednesday 12/2
Vocabulary Practice:
The minister spoke very __________(ly), and everyone was
touched by his words.
The __________ was caught red-handed with the __________
merchandice, and was arrested for shoplifting.
The fire chief blamed the _________ on two men who were _________(ing)
outside the building, smoking cigarettes and looking suspisious.
"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" is a line from
a famouse _________ by Juliet on her balcony.
The __________ and smelly ___________ was last seen __________(ing)
people and demanding money outside the liquor store.
We aproached the haunted house very _______(ly).
Find and fix the five mispelled words in this exercise.
EXTRA CREDIT: What does Juliet's line mean?
lugubrious, conflagration, loiter, wary, soliloquy,
vagrant, accost, purloined, repulsive, miscreant, eloquent, zenith
Tom Sawyer:
Ch. 17: "...cuffs and kisses...?"
Finish Chapter 20 by tomorrow
Chapter 21 aloud
Write and Edit...or work on TS...Vocab/TS Quiz tomorrow...