Wednesday, 5/26/99

Just to see if you were listening (and thinking)...

  1. Why does the story end by telling us about the weather?
  2. Match each word on the left with the sense it refers to:
    • olfactory 
    • labial 
    • auditory 
    • visual 
    • tactile 
    • touch 
    • taste 
    • smell 
    • sight 
    • hearing 
  3. Why does Mr. Iii laugh when the Captain asks if his men should sign the papers?
  4. When Mr. Iii laughed, it was an example of ____________(ing), since later in the story we find out why.
  5. Who said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"?
  6. He was trying to calm people's fears about _____________. (EC: When did this event take place?)
  7. When Mr. Xxx refered to a "cure", he really meant _________. (One word!)
  8. The cartoon below is an example of a ___________. (A sweat shop is a place that uses very underpaid and overworked labor--usually immigrants--to make cheap clothes and stuff.)
  9. Find and fix the mispelled spelling word above.

Message to 6th grade...
Spelling Crossword + 3x Practice due Friday...