Thursday 11/19
1st: Tania R., Ashley, Cooper, Robert, Cara
2nd: Matt C., Jonathon, Chris L., Karen, Erika
5th: Kate O., Ally, Melissa, Bryan G., Nick C., Shawna
6th: Alissa, Rusty, Whitney, Kane, Emily
7th: Molly, Robert, Max, Katelynn D., Caitlin L.
Warm Up: A "Grabber" intro
AlphaSmart and network details
Transferring from your AlphaSmart
Putting your work into your editor's folder
Tips/questions/work on articles
Get others in your group to read your work and offer tips
and suggestions.
Have an intro that grabs!
Does your piece...?
Remember the rubrics!!!
Editors create folders
Those that have a draft ready can begin to tranfer their
work to their editors' folders.