Monday 11/23
Vocabulary: Copy
wary = cautious
lugubrious= very sad or mournful
zenith= highest point
accosted= confronted
miscreant= wrong-doer
Correct/discuss Quiz (Chapters 6-10)
Chapter 11, (12?)
due Tuesday: Vocabulary Sentences
due Wednesday: Letter to Tom: Think about Tom's
predicaments; both with Becky and the Injun Joe situation.
Write a letter to Tom that:
Shows you know the details of his main problems,
Gives him advice on what to do next, and
Explains why you advice is good.
Spelling, punctuation, and neatness count! Extra credit
for good use of slang/dialect.
due Wednesday: Read through Chapter
14 + two (2) new vocab. words of your choosing! (Copy sentence,
definition, new sentence)