Thursday, 4/13/00
Vocabulary + Outlining!
  1. The administration has always been a bit _________ about the idea of a seventh grade dance.
  2. Mr. Indvik scored quite a ________ when he was able to bring the BMX show to Laguna.
  3. The Sioux Indian male always went through a _________ of passage into adulthood.
  4. Behind his smiling facade, there was  __________ resentment. It probably wouldn't take much to bring his anger to the surface.
  5. If you make __________ use of your time, your homework will be done much more quickly.
  6. (2) I _________(ed) when I thought how dumb I was to jump off the roof. I remembered how my "friend" had _________(ed) me into it
  7. (2) The king’s wicked cousin _______(ed) the king’s throne in a _______.
  8. The word _______ is based on the word regal, which means royal.
coup, judicious, reaglia, latent, usurp, tepid, wince, entice, rite

Outlining Quiz!