Tuesday, 12/14/99
1) Usage/Mechanics practice
2) Tom Sawyer chapter 33-->

Usage and Mechanics...
Write each of the sentences below perfectly correctly, fixing all the mistakes in mechanics and usage.

  1. (4) Neither Fred or Ben find french an intresting subject.
  2. (3) Why did'nt you mix the ingrediants like the home economics teacher showed us?
  3. (2) The gangster broke the window, climbed in and robbed all the money in my desk.
  4. (1) His cruel remarks made her feel bad
  5. (3) Can’t you convince him to run for President of student counsel in the upcoming election?
  6. (2) This design is sure different then the one Mike presented.
  7. (Bonus) Copy and add five periods and a question mark to the following so that it actually makes sense:
That that is is that that is not is not that that is is not that that is not that that is not is not that that is is that not not it it is

Tom Sawyer
Slang Watch:
a) pins  b) swag  c) 'tain't  d) that ain't no bad notion  e) dad fetch it  f) widder  g) tollable