Thursday, 2/24/00
I. Go over/check vocabulary h/w.
II. Vocabulary/Grammar Pretest
  1. In the U.S., the tradition of the bride's father paying for the wedding is sort of a version of a _________.
  2. Rudeness will always ________ a teacher.
  3. When someone helps you out, you should ___________ in some way.
  4. A(n) __________ can also be used as "a special intensifier; so you can paint your house very neatly, or rather sloppily."
  5. The amount of trash on the ground after lunch is _________(ing).
  6. He named his boat "The ________", because he salvaged it from the junkyard and restored it to brand-new condition.
  7. Being ___________ is a sign of  lack of respect.
  8. ___________ was also used as a military base.
  9. It sounds much cooler to say "toga party" than to say "_______ party."
  10. (2) An example of a(n) ___________ that can also be used as a(n) __________, would be the word stick.
  11. Injun Joe was an evil __________.
  12. (2) __________ was the East Coast center for ____________(s) coming mostly from _________.
  13. (3) A(n) _________ modifies a(n) __________, verb, or _______.
  14. A(n) ___________ answers the questions which one, what kind, how many.
  15. (9) Copy the sentence below, and label each word (across is extra credit):
The bright green duck waddled happily across the dangerous road.
(2n, 4adj, 2adv, 1v)
noun, verb, adjective, adverb, miscreant, immigrant, dowry, tunic, perturb, reciprocate, Angel Island, Ellis Island, appall, phoenix, insolent

Extra Credit:
a) If immigrate means to move to a country, what is the word for moving away from a country?
b) Give an example of an old expression that would mean roughly the same thing as the quote from Vocabulary Homework #13.
c) What year was the first powered airplane flight?
d) How might a reciprocating engine work?

Dragonwings (in notebook)
a) Why do people immigrate? Should you be allowed to live anywhere in the world you wish? Why do countries limit immigration?
b) Why is there generally (and historically) prejudice against immigrants?

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