Wednesday, 11/3/99
Vocabulary Practice: Do not copy. On the T/F questions (7-11), if the statement is false, explain why it is false. You may use a word more than once to fill in the blanks. * = Extra Credit
100% = exempt, 19/20 = exempt, 18/20 = +4, 17/20 = +3, 16/20 = +2, 15/20 = +1
  1. Aunt Polly was very _______ as she questioned Tom, trying to trick him.
  2. If you are _______ and work hard, you will get an "A."
  3. Tom is a very bold, __________ boy, who is scared of very little.
  4. Tom thinks work is _________; he hates it. 
  5. Tom was _________ when Becky finally paid attention to him
  6. nonchalant : ________ : : leaniant : strict
  7. T or F: Johnny and Pony were audacious when they went into the burning church to save the kids.
  8. T or F: Two-Bit is a diligent student.
  9. T or F: Darry is full of guile.
  10. T or F: Dally was ecstatic about life.
  11. T or F: Bob was a completely odious person.
diligent, guileful, odious, ecstatic, audacious

12. Diligent is a(n) _________. *Make it a noun.
13.(2) Guile is a(n) __________. Make it an adjective.
14. Ecstatic is a(n) _________. *Make it a noun.
15.(2) Audacious is a(n) _________. Make it an adverb.
16. diligent, guile, ecstatic, audacious, odious
17.(2) Find the two mispelled words in this exercise.

Tom Sawyer...Chapter 1+