Tuesday, 10/12/99
Analogy Warmup:
  1. cloud : rain :: smoke : ______
  2. seek: find :: ask  : _______
  3. body : helmet :: finger : ______
  4. practice : perfect :: haste : ________
Rubrics and rough drafts...
  1. Read your paper one more time, and mark/correct any mistakes you see!
  2. Read the rubric step by step and compare your paper to the describing sentences for each part.
  3. Award yourself a score (1-5, 1/2's OK) for each part of the rubric.
  4. COPY the describing sentence(s) that best describes your paper.
  5. On your paper, circle and number an example for each score you give yourself.
  6. Total the scores.  Thirty (30) points are possible. 27+ = A, 24-26 = B, 21-23 = C, 18-20 = D, Less = F
  7. Bring me your paper and evaluation sheet.
  8. Done? Waiting? Work on:
Second draft (ink, title, improved, rubricized) due Thursday

Outsiders Chapter 7 -->