Tuesday, 10/19/99
Adverbs:"Lolly's, Lolly's, Lolly's, Get Your Adverbs Here!" 

adverb: A word used to modify (describe) a verb, adjective, or another adverb. When?  Where?  How?
Yesterday, I ran there very quickly, which I  usually never do. 

  1.Joe slowly ate his very large burger. (2n, 1adj, 1v, 2adv)
  2.All the words are spelled correctly. (1n, 2adj, 1v, 1adv)
  3.The scared greaser was breathing rather heavily. (1n, 2adj, 1v, 2adv) 

Hand out Assessment Sheet
Copy flowchart on back.
All drafts + Assessment sheet due Friday!

Outsiders...Chapter 7 and Chapter 8