Wednesday, 10/27/99
        Pronoun: A word used to substitute for a noun.
        Examples: he, she, it, we, they, I
        Copy and label:

Joe and I ate the huge pizza too quickly, and then we felt ill.
(2p, 2n, 2v, 3adj, 3adv) 

Vocabulary Practice:
  1. His use of a fake beard and moustache was a pathetic attempt to go _________.
  2. The line went _________ as the fish took the bait.
  3. The computer hacker tried to _______ the password security measures.
  4. At 600 words per week, you are on your way to becoming a rather ________ writer.
  5. His joke was very __________; it took me a while to get it.
  6. Pony and Soda can almost always _______ Darry into letting them have cake for breakfast.
  7. The bank clerk examined the $100 bill to make sure it was __________.
  8. A(n) ___________ answers the questions which one, what kind, how many, about a noun or pronoun.
  9. A(n) ___________ answers the questions where, when, how about a verb.
  10. A(n) ___________ modifies (describes) an adjective; like explaining just how smart someone is.
noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, prolific, taut, bona fide, circumvent, incognito, subtle, coax

Outsiders...Chapter 9, Chapter 10