Spelling Pretest #11
I can't believe I ate the hole thing!
I espesally like chocolate cake.
An "A" is a disirable thing.
I want prufe of that statement.
To asstonish is to amaze.
The order was very spesific; six pares of pants.
She is a reletive of mine; a cousin, I think.
She was extremly nervouse before the show.
Windrider was a dragon in a previus lifetime.
She had great admireation for her teacher.
You have everything you need for a refund, accept your reciete
from the store.
She was a ballay dancer.
I am thankfull to be here.
Have you seen the latest movie adaptation of
and Juliet?
After two drinks, he couldn't walk in a strate
This class emphesizes thinking skills.
"I pledge allegance to the flag..."
My throat is a little soar from my cold.
I respect your opinion, allthough I disagree
with it.
They say that ignorence is bliss.
Was Dally gallant, like a knight in shinning
He had alot of incite into the problem, and
offer many solutions.
After stoping at the stop sign, you may procede
if it is safe.
"...life, liburty, and the pursuit of happiness..."
I demand a trial by jurey!
Extra Credit
A) Find and fix any other errors you see above.
B) What document does #24 come from?
C) What was the name of the first satellite to orbit the earth?
Vocabulary +
1) Copy the poem and sentences into your notebook. Definitions +
POS + new sentences + Q/A due Wednesday.
A) What does she mean? B) What does she mean when she says, "'Tis
the Majority In this, as All, prevail"? What is "this"? Is she right?
C) What would a good title for this poem be?
"Poem #435" by Emily Dickinson
Much Madness is divinest Sense--
To a discerning Eye--
Much Sense--the starkest Madness--
'Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail--
Assent--and you are sane--
Demur--you're straightway dangerous--
And handled with a Chain--
6) Quit asking impertinent questions and
stay focused.
7) Everyone was shocked by the lurid details
of the murder.
8) Try to speculate on what life will be
like in 50 years.
9) After his brother died, he sat brooding
in his room, blaming himself.