Spelling Pretest #19  Greek Roots!
  1. You study shapes and angels in geomatry.
  2. Outline the parimeter of the circle with chalk.
  3. Mike drew a digram to describe his room
  4. In europe, they use centameters instead of inches.
  5. Many trees were blown down by the ciclone.
  6. My soup stays warm in this thermus.
  7. A physisian is another name for a doctor.
  8. An encyclapedia is a good place to start if you are unsure of how to organize your paper.
  9. I read the thermomater to see how cold it was.
  10. Physics is a branch of science.
  11. In these days of cell phones, not many people send telagrams any more.
  12. Which sentence, if any, have a grammatacal error?
  13. A barrometer measures ____ , and is a big help in predicting the weather.
  14. She adjusted the thermastat because she was cold.
  15. Exercise and weightlifting has given him a musculer physique.
  16. Always wear a helmet when riding a motercycle.
  17. My thermle hat keeps me warm in the winter.
  18. The seasons repeat in a cyclicle pattern.
  19. The dancers had to learn the chorreography of the show.
  20. The micraphone picked up the slightest sound.
  21. Your Works Cited page, or bibleography, must include at least five sources.
  22. Another name for a phonagraph is a record player.
  23. A paragraph should deal with only one topic.
  24. To "spell it as it sounds" is to spell a word phoneticly.
  25. Which composer wrote that syphoney?
  26. EC: therm = _______, cycl = _________, graph = ______, gram =_____, meter/metry = ____, phon = ______, **phys = _________