Test #12 (43 points)
Make an extra credit box, and record any extra credit you may have earned this week. If you do not have your crossword puzzles completed today, write "-10: xword." If you are exempt from the vocabulary, skip #26-30, writing "exempt" for those questions. For the True/False questions: if the answer is true, write "True." If the answer is false, write "false", and then make the statement true. As always, be on the look out for mechanical mistakes to fix for extra credit.
1. He did not think he was werthy of the award he was given.
2. Please read the instuctions carefully before you plug your AlphaSmart into the computer.
3. I think what we have here is a fellure to communicate.
4. Talking during a test is regarded as cheating.
5. The pollicy on KBAR is that no late signatures are accepted.
6. The mountain road was windey and narow.
7. We made impresions of our feet in the concreet.
8. This book is the first in a seeries of three.
9. My wife likes mistery books with many plot twists.
10. Studying beforehand will inable you to do well on the test.
11. That estableshment has been there for years.
12. The teacher asks the class if anyone knew what the "first person singuler" pronoun was.
13. Joe had a very good sugestion for our project.
14. We gathered to comend and applaud the heroes.
15. After I begged my mom for four hours, she finally rilented and let me go to the party.
16. The TV was on a raised plattform.
17. That assinement is worth forty-five points.
18. We were waiting for the flood waters to receed so we could move back into our home.
19. Going into the burning building took a lot of curage.
20. Joey is a very consientious  worker who always does his best.
21. He received  only a miner bruse in the accident.
22. In the begining of the year, we learned how to spell that word.
23. An ID is recquired to get into that club.
24. You can't be serious about running away from home!
25. Fighting fires is an honerable proffesion.

26. If a video game unit costs $100 now, and your country has a 12% rate of inflation, how much will that console cost next month?
27. (2) GNP stands for _______ ________ _________. It is...
28. (2) True or False. A cumulative final would only cover the most recent work in that class.
29. True or False. Britain was a monarchy.
30. Per capita really just means per ________.
31. What percentage of adults in the world are literate? 25-30%, 50-60%, 60-70%, 75-85%.

32. In 1905, what percentage of adults in the world were literate? 5-10%, 25-30%, 50-60%, 75-85%.
33. (3) WHO stands for _______ ________ ________.
34. (2) UN stands for _______ _______.
35. UNESCO is the world organization that looks out for... AIDS patients, poor children, poor senior citizens, the hungry.
36. A contusion is a _________.
37. (2)(True or False) One of  the most culturally homogeneous (where people's cultural backgrounds are more similar than different) regions of the world is India.
38.(Extra Credit) What verb, which means to "pile up or collect" does the word cumulative come from?
39.(Extra Credit) Where does Thursday come before Wednesday?
40.(Extra Credit) From which word of five letters can you take away two letters and have one remaining?