Test #19 (38 points possible)
  1. thermos, centimeters, perimeter, cycleone, no mistake
  2. diagram, encyclapedia, barometer, telegram, no mistake
  3. phonograph, physique, physics, grammaticle, no mistake
  4. thermastat, thermometer, choreography, motorcycle, no mistake
  5. thermal, bibleography, paragraph, microphone, no mistake
  6. cited, sited, symphoney, geometry, no mistake
  7. physician, grammar, cyclical, phoneticly, no mistake
  8. heat stationary =
  9. nature person =
  10. write across (across write) =
  11. 100 measure =
  12. (group) dance write =
  13. around measure =
  14. earth measure =
  15. distance message =
  16. tiny sound =
  17. like a circle =
  18. having to do with heat =
  19. together sound =
  20. distance sound =              (Not a spelling word this week, but you should be able to figure it out.)
  21.  The phonetic spelling of this word is  fi  zek.
  22.  The phonetic spelling of this word is  f   zish   n
  23. Two of the words above (#1 - #7) would have the same phonetic spelling. What are they?
  24. (4) Identify each of the parts of the "Works Cited" entry below:

  25. 1) ASchefter, Jim. B"Air Traffic Training Gets Real."
        CPopular Science july 1991: D72+
  26. (4) Find and fix the four mistakes in the above entry.