Thursday, 4/5/01--Remember to study for S/V/DW Test #20
Warm Up: Copy. A star means the answer is a spelling or vocabulary word from this week's list.
  1. forgive : blame :: release : *_______
  2. undependable : irresponsible :: unlikely : *________
  3. to read : illiterate :: to be read : *___________
  4. Black Dog : irresponsible :: White Deer : *__________
  5. flounce, embroider, flail. What do all three of these words have in common?
Dragonwings (10)
  1. (3) What favor does MS do for his father that WR gets angry about? What two reasons does WR give for being angry?
  2. (2)"If you love him, you will accept what he is. Otherwise he will destroy you." (p132,133) This quote from Miss Whitlaw is very much similar to a three word quote from MS about dragons. What is it? Whom are they talking about?
  3. (2) MS likes Robin's "dime novels" for what two reasons?
  4. (2) "'No, you born maybe ten years ago,' Father said matter-of-factly." (p123) Explain why this is funny. Give another example from a few pages later, where MS does a similar thing.
Read aloud--p134-143

Glider model, dime novels, how planes fly