If you missed any of the following days, do the appropriate
Tuesday's Quiz (4/3):
1. Why was Moon Shadow's mother "always polite to everyone"?
2. (2) Why was it "customary every New Year's to bribe
the little Stove King"? Give an example of this "bribery."
3. (2) What does Moon Shadow think that milk is? After
he tastes it, what does he think of the taste?
Wednesday's Quiz (4/4):
1."We travel all the way around the world with it and
yet never leave our parlor." What is Miss Whitlaw talking about?
2.How much free time does MS get during his day?
3.Which of the following does MS not say he does
during his days? a) Make the fire and breakfast. b) Do the grocery shopping.
c) Help Father with his job. d) Make dinner. e) Study math. f) Help the
Company in the laundry. g) Study Chinese. h) Do the dishes.
4.What is MS's purpose in visiting Miss Whitlaw in Chapter
5."No dragon pleasant. A dragon dragonee." (p117) Among
other things, which of the following does MS mean? a) Dragons are malicious.
b) Dragons are benevolent. c) Dragons have claws. d) Dragons must be accepted
for what they are. e) None of the above.
6.Why does MS feel like he won a bit of a victory when
the demon boys start throwing rocks at him?
7.(2) Why doesn’t MS tell his Father about the demon
boys who are harassing him? What is ironic about this?
Thursday's Quiz (4/5):
(3) What favor does MS do for his father that WR gets
angry about? What two reasons does WR give for being angry?
2.(2)"If you love him, you will accept what he is. Otherwise
he will destroy you." (p132,133) This quote from Miss Whitlaw is very much
similar to a three word quote from MS about dragons. What is it? Whom are
they talking about?
3.(2) MS likes Robin's "dime novels" for what two reasons?
4.(2) "'No, you born maybe ten years ago,' Father said
matter-of-factly." (p123) Explain why this is funny. Give another example
from a few pages later, where MS does a similar thing.