Monday, 4/9/01--Copy Homework into assignment book.
Warm Up: (1) The Feast of Pure Brightness is...a) similar to Halloween, b) similar to Day of the Dead, c) a big springtime festival, d) when you make a banquet for your departed ancestors, e) all of the above, f) none of the above.
(2) The quote from MS that best describes why he carries a cross: a) "Sure, why not?" b) "But you no believe in Stove King." c) "But it might make you feel better." d) "...just as insurance."
(3) noun : _______ :: adjective : describe  (4) adjective : description :: verb : __________
(5) 3/4 : 75% :: 17/20 : _______
Vocabulary (due Wed.)--skeptical, improvise, venerate, fastidious, impulsive, haughty, forlorn, ominous, incessant, smug
  1. We ran out of the ingredients for the recipe, so we had to ____________.
  2. I was very ___________ about his "alien" story; I didn’t believe him for a second.
  3. Moon Shadow thinks that Robin is a(n) __________ talker who monopolizes every conversation.
  4. "That test was easy!" he said ___________(ly) in that annoying way of his.
  5. After he saved the kids from the fire he was _____________(ed) by the whole town.
  6.  Jean is very ____________ about her silverware; she won’t eat in the cafeteria because she thinks the forks aren’t clean enough.
  7. In a(n) ______________ moment, we decided to go to the movies instead of the restaurant.
  8. Uncle is a very proud, _______________ man who demands respect.
  9. Before the earthquake, MS has a(n) ______________feeling that everything would come crashing down. (EC: We call this kind of feeling a(n) _________________. )
  10. The lost little girl looked very _________________ as she looked for her mommy.
1. Very picky; especially about cleanliness.
5. Make up as you go along.
7. Dubious.
8. Uncle often acts this way, especially when he's sitting in his "throne."
1. Sad.
2. Unceasing.
3. A premonition is this.
4. On the spur of the moment.
6. Worship and respect.
7. Self-satisfied.
Read aloud--Chapter 9