Wednesday, 8/30/00
 "Just to See if You Were Listening (and Reading)" (15 points)
  1. (3) Name the 3 novels we will be reading this year.
  2. (4) K.B.A.R. stands for a)__________. It consists of reading daily (M-TH) for at least b)    how long?       and then c)      doing what?   in your notebook. One possible way to do this is to d)____________.
  3. (2) A metaphor/simile is a a)_______ between two things. b) Give an example.
  4. (1) What is 90% of 50?
  5. (1) What should you always do when you are absent?
  6. (1) ______ (especially K.B.A.R.) is a major part of the grade in this class.
  7. (2) What should you always bring to class.
  8. (1) a) jealous  b) parallel  c) diagram  d) equiptment  e) all correct
Extra Credit:
a) Which word in this exercise (other than any in #8) is mispelled?  b) K.B.A.R. (like C.I.A. and I.R.S.) is an example of an ___________.

"Four More Questions" (+1 for each correct!)

  1. The ladies have cast off clothing at the garage sale. Copy the sentence and add a piece of punctuation to change the meaning. (I don't think the ladies intended to have a naked garage sale!)
  2. What is a noun?
  3. What is a verb?
  4. How will this (affect, effect) my grade?  Copy the sentence, choosing the correct word.
2) Let's "GO" to the store!  Using more specific verbs, Part I.

"I went to the store."

Exactly how did you get there? What does "went" look like?
Try to think of as many specific verbs as you can that show how you got to the store...
I... skipped...hobbled...staggered...sprinted...????
See if you can think of at least 20. 30? 50?