Monday, 12/18/00
Copy Homework into assignment book.

Missed Test #11? Follow the directions. After that, go to H1 to do the test.
Group Warm Up:
  1. What question can a person ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct?
  2. By inserting two punctuation marks (both the same one), make the following equation correct: 560 = 600.
  3. Take five pennies from 100 pennies, and what do you have?
  4. There was a road around a circular lake. A man and his brother each started in the same place and drove around the lake at exactly the same speed, but in opposite directions. The first brother went clockwise around the lake at 40 mph, and the trip took him an hour and 20 minutes. The second brother went counterclockwise around the lake--also at exactly 40 mph--but his trip only took him 80 minutes. Each traveled exactly the same distance: 53.33 miles. How is that possible?
  5. Can you arrange four 5's, using mathematical symbols, so they equal 6?
Tom Sawyer Jeopardy!