Friday, 1/19/01

Quiz on "MFN" Use a separate sheet. Write out the answers, not just the letter of the answer!

Friends (and Others)
1. From the list below pick up to five of the qualities that you look for most when deciding on a friend. List them in order of importance from most to least important to you:
     the way they dress
     their grades in school
     what they do for fun, interests
     their athletic ability
     how much money they have to spend
     the way they look
     their sense of humor
     where they live
     the way they talk
     the stuff they have
     how they treat people outside their group
     where they hang out
     whom they hang out with
     their attitude ("coolness")
     other qualities?

2. Give an example of a friend of yours and the qualities above that make this person your friend. How many of these qualities does this person have?
3. How important is your first impression of a person in deciding whether or not to like a person? Explain.
4. What would you do if you had a friend who wasn’t accepted by your other friends?
5. What qualities make you not like a person/people? Be specific!
6. Does everyone see the "real you"? Why might you sometimes be misunderstood? Why might you hide part of yourself?