Friday, 6/1/01--Test #23b (39)--Record extra credit for the week. Record your score on the 2 Mark Twain essays.
    Copy the underlined word. Then identify the part of speech of the underlined word. (5)
  1. The climb up Walton mountain took us two hours.
  2. This apartment complex can house up to a thousand people.
  3. The suddenly famous actor couldn't take the pressure.
  4. We ran very early in the morning.
  5. "The early bird gets the worm." 
    ID the simple subject (ss) and the simple predicate (sp) of each sentence. Remember the simple predicate may be more than one word; the main verb and a form of be for the helper. (6)
  6. (2) Your vocabulary can be increased by reading regularly.
  7. (2) After playing the concert, the guitarist will sign autographs.
  8. (2) After the heavy snow, the trees' branches sagged under the weight.
    ID the prepositions in the following sentences. (There is a total of nine.) (9)
  9. Out of hundreds of  legends, this one has been among the best known.
  10. Throughout the centuries people have read about the legend of Romulus and Remus.
  11. Romulus and Remus were rescued from the river, then were fed by a wolf, and were raised under the care of a shepherd.
    Vocabulary--painstaking, gratify, didactic, eminence, beseech, temperate, eminent, precept (10)
  12. They said it should be something suitable to youth-something _________, instructive, or something in the nature of good advice.
  13. I will say to you my young friends-and I say it __________(ingly), urgingly...
  14. The young ought to be __________ in the use of this great art until practice and experience shall give them that confidence, elegance, and precision which alone can make the accomplishment graceful and profitable.
  15. Patience, diligence, ___________ attention to detail- these are requirements...
  16. ...these in time, will make the student perfect; upon these only, may he rely as the sure foundation for future ________...
  17. Build your character thoughtfully upon these _________(s).
  18. You will be surprised and _______(ed) to see how nicely and it sharply resembles everybody else's.
  19. One of the __________(s) of this class is, "Do your homework."
  20. Twain's advice about lying is, "Be _________" (until you practice a lot).
  21. He was tired of the cold, and moved to a more _______ climate.
  22. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on what date?
  23. (3)The Declaration of Independence was signed on ____, in _____, _____.
  24. What is 10% of 39?
  25. (2) 175/200 = ________% = ________ (letter grade).
  26. (2) Draw a labeled diagram that shows what a day and a year are, astronomically speaking.
Work on Message to 6th Grade. (-5 for no rough draft). Get two people to read and proofread your work. Use the evaluation form on the back of your crossword. Final draft due Wednesday, 6/6.

Done? Palindromes (+ 1/2 point each.)
a. (4) __  __  __ he __  __  __  __  __ to the __  __  d  __  __ capabilities of the new submarine at the meeting which was held at __  __  __  __ on Friday? It can "see" an enemy sub miles away.
b. (3) He tied the __  __  __ around the neck of the little __  __  __ so she wouldn't spill her __ __ __ on her clothes.
c. Are you going to __  __  __  __  __  __  __  the living room? I hate that grubby old wallpaper.
d. When you do, be sure to stand on a ladder that is __ __ __ __ __ , so it doesn't tip.
e. The pitcher tore the __ __ __ __ __ __  __ cuff in his shoulder, and won't be able to play for at least two months.