Thursday, 3/01/01--Notice: Perfect Letters can be turned in tomorrow w/no penalty. Letters turned in today get a +5!
Warm Up--Starred answers are spelling words from this week's list--or a form thereof.
  1. *method : technique :: tired : __________
  2. *1941 : Pearl Harbor, Hawaii :: 1776 : ___________
  3. *savvy : professional :: ___________ : amateur
  4. *money : bank :: water : ____________
  5. *throw : bouquet :: cruise : ____________
  6. jump : jumped :: am : _________
  7. subject : predicate :: noun : __________
Noun (n): Person, place, thing. (toast)
Pronoun (pn): Replaces a noun. (them)
Verb (v): Expresses action or being. (eat, was)
Adjective (adj): Describes a noun or pronoun. (pretty)
Adverb (adv): Describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb. (slowly, very)
Interjection (i): D'oh!
Conjunction (c): A word used to connect words and parts of sentences. (or)

(13) My friend Jim runs rather awkwardly, but wow, he is quick and agile.

Sentence or not? If not, how do we fix it? With only two words--or less!

  1. Thinks bugs are fascinating.
  2. The cake you made for me.
  3. That little brat Jimmy.
  4. When we went to the store.
  5. Let me call you tomorrow.
  6. When it rains during a football game.
  7. An usher who directed us to our seats.
  8. If you want to own a pet.
  9. Don't eat cheese.
  10. Because the bug was stuck on its back.
Editors edit...Writers work on:  Sentence Fragments and "Punctuation" Marks?!