Wednesday, 5/23/01
Warm Up-
a) Draw a labeled diagram that shows what a day and
a year are astronomically speaking.
b) What is 10 % of 42?
Correct Vocabulary
Vocabulary Pretest--assent, demur, omniscient, circuitous,
zenith, peruse, prevail, stark, divine, discerning, appall (Look for the
five mistakes to fix for extra credit!)
Robert, trying to hide his friendship with Jeff, always took
a _________ route to his house.
Never sign anything you haven't __________(ed) very carefully.
Even though we were losing in the first half, I knew we would
eventually _______.
When I asked if she wanted to go skydiving, she ________(ed),
and said she was scared.
The stain on the white shirt stood out ______(ly).
A comic book collecter must be very _______ when it comes
to the condition of the comic. The smallest flaw can effect the value immensely.
As he sat in the principals office, he hoped for _______
intervention; maybe an angel would swoop in and save him. (Not.)
He signaled his __________ by nodding his head.
The cheesecake at that restaurant is simply ________.
My mom was __________(ed) by the amount of violence in that
video game.
When a ball is thrown straight up, at the ___________ of
its flight it's speed is zero.
(2) Emily Dickinson felt that "the Majority" always __________(ed)
on the question of...a) what is the right thing to do. b) who's weird and
who isn't. c) who's cool and who isn't. d) who's important and who
isn't. e) all of the above.
When the genie offered him a wish, he asked for ___________(ence),
he wanted to be a true know-it-all.
skim : ________ :: lose : prevail
Lolly's, Rufus, and Verbs!
Grammar Review II. Copy.
(3) An adverb answers the questions...
(2) A verb shows ________ or __________.
(15) I tripped very awkwardly and hit my big, fat
head, denting the door. I was clumsy. (n, v, pro, adj, adv)