Thursday, 11/02/00
Warm Up: All answers come from this week's vocab. list.
  1. *idle : diligent :: idol : _________
  2. *fruitful : prolific :: indiscreet : ___________
  3. *win : triumph : defeat : _______
  4. *subtle : furtive :: joyous : _________
  5. *Darry : diligent :: Tom : ___________
Sentence (de)Scrambling  Descramble into sentences! CAPITALIZE!  PUNCTUATE!  (Is there more than one way??  Which is best?!)  Remember: Do not add or subtract any words!
1. a) how I tried
b) they all laughed 
c) to clear 
d) and totally bombed 
e) four trash cans
f) when I told them
2. a) Norman stubbed 
b) a huge vat 
c) his toe 
d) of Jello 
e) jumping into
3. a) the roast pig 
 b) immediately stick 
 c) when 
 d) an apple 
 e) is finished 
 f) in its mouth
4. a) a wilder, heartier interest 
b) if she had built 
c) the boy could not 
d) a fire 
e) have shown 
f) under him
5. a) a necktie 
b) of ribbon 
c) he even wore 
d) a bright bit
6. a) like cats 
b) in an instant 
c) were rolling 
d) both boys 
e) and tumbling 
f) gripping each other 
g) in the dirt
Tom Sawyer...
Go over Chapter 3...
Read chapter 4 aloud.