Wednesday, 11/15/00
1) Descramble back into a sentence.
a) and quit bothering her
b) that he became a nuisance
c) he asked for it
d) and his aunt ended
e) to help himself 
f) so often
g) by telling him
2) Copy and punctuate properly.

The coolest house that we went to was a house that gave away full-size bars I don't know why maybe it was to congratulate the people with costumes.

1) He asked for it so often that he became a nuisance, and his aunt ended by telling him to help himself and quit bothering her.
2) The coolest house that we went to was a house that gave away full-size bars. I don't know why; maybe it was to congratulate the people with costumes.
Go over example sentences.
Vocabulary Pretest (14/14 = exempt or +4, 13/14 =+3, 12/14=+2, 11/14=+1. Several words are used more than once, one is not used at all.)
  1. His mom was ______(ed) by the amount of violence in the video game.
  2. The towering fly ball reached its _________ at about 400 feet.
  3. I tried to make the sign as _____ as I could so everyone would notice it.
  4. Tom and Huck ________(ily) approached the graveyard.
  5. I casually ___________(ed) down the street.
  6. (2) In Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain is a _______-person, ___________ narrator. He knows everything about everyone in the story.
  7. This is different from Pony in The Outsiders, who is a _______-person, limited narrator. He can tell us only what he sees and hears.
  8. "The poor fellow's face was _________, and his eyes showed the fear that was upon him."
  9. Ghosts, if they exist, would probably not be __________. Supposedly they can't be felt or touched.
  10. bottom : zenith :: furtive : ___________
  11. nonchalant : saunter :: ________ : creep
  12. first : I :: ______ : he
  13. nonchalant : wary :: well-rested : _______
zenith, wary, appall, haggard, palpable, first, second, third, omniscient, saunter, conspicuous

Tom Sawyer
1. (2) "This final feather broke the camel's back." (p76) Explain.
2. (2) When Injun Joe tells his version of the events in the graveyard, Tom and Huck are amazed that something doesn't happen. What? What do they  think the reason behind this is?
3. "They inwardly resolved to watch him, nights, when the opportunity should offer, in the hope of getting a glimpse of his dread master." (p79) What does this mean?