Thursday, 11/16/00
Warm Up (in notebook):* = spelling word, ** = vocabulary word
  1. *F : failure :: A : _________
  2. **nonchalant : wary :: failure : ________
  3. **Pony : limited :: Mark Twain : _________
  4. **nonchalant : ________(ed) :: agreement : argument
  5. *fracture : fragment :: idleness : ___________
  6. Tom : Huck :: Pony : ________
  7. Tom : Aunt Polly :: Pony : _________
  8. Mystery Student: 2nd period: "I shall yodel", 3rd period: "teen stunt shop", 5th period: "a lady wore rat", 6th period: "boil leech elm", 7th period: "ye sly mad sheep"
Letter to Tom (separate sheet):  Think about Tom's predicaments; both with Becky and the Injun Joe/oath-to-keep-mum situation.
Write a letter to Tom that: Make it at least 300 words long.
Use letter form. Use ink. Spelling, punctuation, and neatness count!
Proofread it when you are done.
Extra credit for good use of slang/dialect.