Wednesday, 10/18/00
Warm Up + Roots Practice: Copy 1-10.
Getting 4-10 all correct = exempt. All others are worth +1/2 point.
re ( _ _ _ _ ) er (It's a word
by itself; it's a word when you put re in front, or er at
the end, or both!)
autobiography : biography :: self : _________
phrases : comma :: ________ : semicolon
graph = _______
phon = ________
auto = ________
tract = ________
spect = ________
port = _________
form = ________
In Ponyboy's day, they used the word reformatory
for what we call Juvenile Hall. Why might that be?
Think about the meaning of the root spect.
Why is the name SpectraVision a somewhat silly and redundant name for a
brand of TV?
The word portable literally means "able to
be __________."
Think about the meaning of the root port. Think
about the meaning of the word transport. What might the Latin
trans mean?
Explain what the word intractable might mean
and why. (The "able" ending makes it an adjective.)
Explain what the word introspective might mean
and why. (The "ive" ending makes it an adjective.)
Random Perfect.
Finish Outsiders questions
(Ch. 9), Read Ch. 10 silently, and then answer 12-18. Done with that?
Chapter 11. Answer #19 below.
19) Thinking about Bob, Pony asks, "His parents
let him run wild--because they loved him too much or too little?"(p141)
What do you think? What makes you think so?