Thursday, 9/21/00
"Unpack Your Adjectives"

Noun/Adjective Warm Up:
1. Turn idiot(n) into an adjective by adding a suffix.
2. Turn child(n) into an adjective by adding a suffix.
3. Turn instrument(n) into an adjective by adding a suffix.
4. Turn stereotype(n) into an adjective by adding a suffix.
5. Turn contempt(n) into an adjective by adding a suffix.

"Verb; That's What's Happening!"

Verb: A verb is a word that shows action or otherwise helps to make a statement.
Nouns (person, place, or thing) and Adjectives (describes a noun) and Verbs (action)
List the nouns, adjectives and verbs you find in the following sentences.

[Example: 1) nouns: Jimmy... adjectives: a... verbs: saw...]
1. Jimmy saw a very hairy, scary bear, and then beat a hasty retreat from his lair. (3n, 5adj, 2v)
2. A lone greaser walked slowly through the cold, wind-swept park, thinking about his future. (3n, 5adj, 2v)
3. Two-Bit had grey eyes and a wide grin, and he always made funny remarks. (4n, 4adj, 2v) 

Done? Finish Outsiders Questions for Ch.3.
Review for S/V/R/O/G Test#2:

Spelling: Practice your words 5x
Vocabulary: Go over my example sentences on pretest.
Roots: phon, tele, auto, graph
Outsiders: Are you listening and reading along?
Grammar: Defns., IDs for n, v, adj.
Outsiders, Ch. 4.