Spellling Test #2. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. Be sure to read the directions for each section carefully. Be sure to record: a) your KBAR total for the week ( /40) and b) any extra credit you may have earned this week.
Part One: Spelling. Do only the ones you missed on Monday's pretest. Watch out for extra credit mistakes to fix.
  1. Which composer wrote that symphoney?
  2. Please speak into the microphone so we can hear you.
  3. Old phonagraph records can sometimes be valuble.
  4. The dancers studied the choreography for the recital.
  5. He claims to have Babe Ruth's autagraph.
  6. Most people call an autamobile a car.
  7. May I use your telaphone to call home?
  8. His reports bibleography listed six sources.
  9. Look up the fonetic spelling of that word I want to see how its pronounced.
  10. We studied the major river in geography.
  11. I used special film to take that photagraph.
  12. The graphix on his web page were cool.
  13. A paragraph should only deal with one topic.
  14. The burglar tripped the autamatic alarm.
  15. In the "Old West", people often sent messages by telagraph.
  16. Each award certificate was written in caligraphy.
  17. My autobiography covers the first ten years of my life.
  18. Which band instrament do you play?
  19. He is a musiscian in the band.
  20. The audiance was very respectfull of the performers.
  21. There was an intermision between the two acts of the play.
  22. What a preformance the singer gave!
  23. When the whole class talks at once the result is a cacaphony of sounds.
  24. The police officer used a megaphone so the crowd could hear him.
  25. We studied phonix when we learned to read.

Part Two: Vocabulary. Write the word that best fits each blank. Two words are not used. Be sure to add any prefixes or suffixes that may be needed. Be sure to spell the word correctly. If you are exempt, write "exempt" and move to Part Three.
aloof, elite, dumbfounded, ornery, contemptuous, gallant, conflict, foreshadow, stereotype, nonchalant, bleak,  savvy
1. She stood ______(ly) to one side of the room at the party.
2. The soldiers __________(ly) rode into battle to defend their homes.
3. The small children were getting a bit _________ and needed a time-out.
4. The Socs look at the greasers with hatred and __________.
5. It was an example of _________(ing) when S.E. Hinton made a big deal about Johnny's knife, and then he later used it.
6. Johnny and Two-bit were ______ when Pony went off on his brother. They thought Pony and Darry got along fine.
7. If you make the Scholar List you are a part of the educational ________.
8. When Pony assumes that all Socs all like Bob and Randy, he is thinking of people as __________(s) and not as individuals.
9. Johnny’s family life seems very __________ and hopeless.
10. Dally says Pony’s Mom "knew the score"; he means that she had_____.
aloof, elite, dumbfounded, ornery, contempt, gallant, conflict, foreshadow, stereotype, nonchalant, bleak,  savvy
Part Three: Roots.
Write the spelling word for each literal "translation" from the greek roots.
1. distant sound   2. book writing   3. self writing   4. together sound   5. distant writing
Part Four: Outsiders.

1. (3) Who’s talking, what’s going on, what does (s)he mean?  "We’re not in the same class. Just don’t forget, some of us watch the sunset too." (p. 42)
2. (3) An example of what we call an internal conflict is Pony wrestling with his feelings about being a greaser. Soc vs greaser is an example of an external one. (a) Dally vs ______ might be thought of as both internal and external. (b) Give another example of either an internal or external conflict from the novel. (c) Be sure to tell whether your example is internal or external.
3. (2) Why don't we get to "see" Bob being killed? Because Ponyboy is a ________, and he ________.
Part Five: Grammar.
List the nouns, adjectives and verbs you find in the following sentence.
Jimmy saw a very hairy, scary bear, screamed, and then retreated hastily from the bear's dark lair. (3n, 5adj, 3v)