Test #24--Roots and Prefixes Review
  1. The word god is an anegram of the word dog.
  2. They put in a thermostat to regulate the heat.
  3. We study shapes and angles in geometrey.
  4. A barrometer measures air pressure, and is a big help in predicting the weather.
  5. In retraspect, it seems as though I made a mistake.
  6. The spectaters really got into the game.
  7. His disguise actually made him more conspicous instead of less.
  8. The rain caused an interuption of the game.
  9. I must transscribe my notes from the lecture.
  10. Vivid details bring a discription to life.
  11. What circimstances made you change your mind?
  12. Homer's famous "d'oh" is an example of an intrajection.
  13. The fallen tree was an obstacal in the road.
  14. List an antanym for spelling word #20.
  15. Snow is abnormle in warm climates.
  16. An antaseptic will kill germs in a cut.
  17. Put a poscript at the end of your letter.
  18. He was the valadictorian of his senior class.
  19. The grand jury handed down an indictement of murder in the first degree.
  20. Please don't contredict me.
  21. Please speak into the micraphone so we can hear you.
  22. He claims to have Babe Ruth's autagraph.
  23. When the whole class talks at once, the result is a cocaphany of sounds.
  24. Which composer wrote that symfoney?
  25. My autabiography covers the first ten years of my life.
  26. His report's bibleography listed six sources.
  27. Is the unaverse endless?
  28. Both tires on his bycicle were flat.
  29. I can see almost a mile with my binoculers.
  30. The tripletts often wear matching clothes.
  31. "self life writing"
  32. "backwards look"
  33. "farewell say person"
  34. "between throw thing"
  35. "across write"
  36. "between burst thing"
  37. "after write"
  38. "around stand things"
  39. "book writing"
  40. "earth measure"
  41. "against name"
  42. "together sound"
  43. "away from standard"
  44. "two circle"
  45. "bad sound"
  46. "against rot"
  47. "two eyelike things"
  48. "self write"
  49. "tiny sound"
  50. "very much to see"

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