Wednesday, 12/05/01 Fix: #6 on Spelling Pretest: poncho.
Warm Up. Copy.
1) *tiny : prodigious :: enthusiastic : _______
2) *reptile : iguana :: fruit : __________ 
3) maze : labyrinth :: conventions : _______  
Correct stuff. (Monday's w/u, Tuesday's w/u, vocab h/w--mistakes?)
Vocabulary Pretest

fickle, labyrinth, prodigious, bliss, sinuous, magnanimous, apathetic, converge, diverge
  1. Baseball fans became pretty __________ after the season was cut short by a strike. It was hard to care any more.
  2. The couple had enjoyed 50 years of wedded ___________.
  3. The whole family ________(ed) on my house for Thanksgiving; we had 40 people there!
  4. He hit a ___________ home run. It was at least 500 feet long.
  5. Luck is ___________; one day you have it all good, and the next it's all bad.
  6. The ________ river was difficult to navigate because of all its twists and turns.
  7. The mystery novel's plot was called ___________(ine) because of all its twists and turns and false clues.
  8. "Two roads __________(ed) in a yellow wood..." I went left.
  9. The orphanage thanked the man for his ____________ donation.
  10. There were many _________(ent)  opinions about what should be done. No one could agree.
Correct TS check
Tom Sawyer (10)
  1. If the lawyer promised not to reveal Huck's name, why is Huck still worried about Injun Joe?
  2. (2) Name two of the places Tom says buried treasure is found.
  3. Why does Huck think Tom is foolish for wanting to get married?
  4. Why does Huck say that ghosts are a "dern sight worse'n dead people"?
  5. Slathers? (p158, p     )
  6. What's the unluckiest day of the week?
  7. (3) What is Tom's interpretation of dreaming about rats? As long as they ain't __________, it only means___________, and you only ________
  8. Why did they dig one last time in their last hole before they went to check the haunted house?
Working! Reading?