Tuesday, 2/19/02
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Copy.
  1. The expression "now the shoe is on the other foot" means...?
  2. The expression "turn the other cheek" means...?
Pretest 14
Summary Practice. Yours is due Thursday.
"The Pointing Finger" (p607)

     "The Pointing Finger" is a 1)______________ in which one of the 2)_________(s) goes looking for a 3)_______________. He promised that if he found one, he would 4)____________________________. His test for 5)___________ was simple. Whenever he met someone travelling along the road, he would
6) __________________________________, and then 7)___________________________________.

      The first man he met, 8)_________________, and then 9)___________________. The second man he met asked for 10)________________, because 11)__________________________. Again and again, 12)____________________________, until he thought he would never 13)_____________________.

     Then he came across a man on the road, and made him the same offer. This man 14)______________. The immortal offers 15)__________________. The man 16)____________________. Finally the immortal says, "All  17)_________________________, what 18)___________ The man replies, 19)"________________."

     The last man represents 20)____________________________. This story shows that it is natural for 21)_________________________________.