Tuesday, 01/08/02
Warm Up. Copy.
  1. *fix : correction :: change : _________
  2. *one : person :: all : ________
  3. *distant : far :: exactness : __________
  4. *sloppy : precise :: helper : __________
  5. *thankful : grateful :: enough : __________
120 seconds Rubric

"My First Negro" (In notebook.)
Read the intro, and the first page of the story (p139) silently. Ask (write down) at least 5 good questions, the answers to which would help you understand better what you read. (What do you not get?) Then answer the following question: Why is the name "Midnight Raiders" pretty ironic?
Editors edit.
Writers work on:
Sentence combining practice. Separate sheet...due Friday at EOP.
Done? Vocabulary...Crossword...Magazine names...