Wednesday, 1/23/02
Warm Up. Copy.
1) journey : destination :: problem : ________  2) ________ : never :: often : always   3) write : ________ :: speak : mispronunciation 4) calorie : heat :: decibel : ________
"Thank You M'am"
Read aloud. Then...On the multiple choice, be sure to copy the answer.
  1. Roger is...a) a big strong kid, b) just average build, c) thin but muscular, d) weak and delicate, e) fat.
  2. Why might the boy have told the woman that he would run if she let him go? a) he was afraid of her, b) he knew she wouldn't believe him if he said he wouldn't, c) he figured she wouldn't let him go anyway, d) all of the above, e) none of the above
  3. Roger probably would have gotten away with Mrs. Jones' purse if only...a) he could have run faster, b) Mrs. Jones had not kicked him, c) the purse strap hadn't snapped, d) he were a little sneakier, e) all of the above, f) none of the above.
  4. Roger tried to steal Mrs. Jones' purse because...a) he was hungry and needed money for food, b) for the excitement, c) he wanted a pair of shoes, d) his family was poor and needed money, e) a and d, f) none of the above.
  5. Why does the boy say his face is dirty? a) He hates to wash. b) He has nobody to tell him to wash it. c) He's been sleeping outside. d) The water has been shut off at his house.
  6. Why might Mrs. Jones treat Roger the way she does? a) Because she's lonely and needs someone to talk to. b) She was like him as a kid herself. c) She realizes that he needs someone to take care of him and teach him a few things. d) She thinks he needs the money. e) All of the above. e) b and c.
  7. Why doesn't Roger run after she turns him loose, or steal her purse when she leaves him alone with it? a) He thought he might get caught again. b) He didn't want to disappoint Mrs. Jones. c) He realized she was as poor as he was. d) He thought she would call the police.
  8. (2) Read the passage next to the big D (p 151, first column, top). Explain the two conflicts Roger is facing. (internal and external)
  9. What does Mrs. Jones say Roger could have done to get the money instead of trying to steal her purse?
  10. Read the poem by Emily Dickinson after the story. (in vain means without any point or purpose.) How is the story related to the poem? a) They're both about broken hearts. b) They're both about a nice person. c) The story's author, Langston Hughes, was a poet too. d) The speaker of the poem wants to do what Mrs. Jones did. e) Both the poem and the story tell us how we should act.
  11. What if Mrs. Jones had not taken Roger home? How might his life be different?
  12. What would Mrs. Jones probably have to say about the proverb from yesterday?
  13. Imagine that Roger and Mrs. Jones meet ten years after the events of the story. Write a dialogue that they might have.