Wednesday, 1/30/02
Warm Up.
  1. *lose : prevail :: agree : ________
  2. *burst : rupture :: conspicuous : _________
  3. *"backward look" = __________
  4. *gradual : abrupt :: respectful : _________
  5. Where does Thursday come before Wednesday?
Vocabulary Pretest: Be sure to add any suffixes as needed. You may have to change the ending of the original word to add the suffix. Look for mistakes to fix for extra credit. You will use some words more than once, and you will use them all at least once.
speculate, divine, brood, prevail, lurid, discerning, stark, demurred, impertinent
  1. Even though we were losing in the first half, I knew we would eventually  _______.
  2. When I asked if she wanted to go skydiving, she ________,  and said she was scared.
  3. The stain on the white shirt stood out ______(ly).
  4. As far as what happens when we die there is a lot of ________(ion), but no facts.
  5. "Don't cry over spilled milk" is an old expression that means not to ______ too much over mistakes that you can't change.
  6. The man swore ______(ly) after he hit his thumb with a hammer.
  7. A comic book collecter must be very _______ when it comes to the condition of the comic. The smallest flaw can effect the value immensely.
  8. Very few things annoy teachers more than __________(ce).
  9. As he sat in the principals office, he hoped for _______ intervention; maybe an angel would swoop in and save him.  (Not.)
  10. The cheesecake at that restaurant is simply ________.
After Quiz:
"Delinquent" by Langston Hughes

"Poem #435" by Emily Dickinson

Much Madness is divinest Sense--
To a discerning Eye--
Much Sense--the starkest Madness--
'Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail--
Assent--and you are sane--
Demur--you're straightway dangerous--
And handled with a Chain--

Quiz on "Theme for English B" and Poem #435.

  1. Emily Dickinson felt that "the Majority" always prevailed on the question of...a) What is the right thing to do. b) Who's weird and who isn't. c) Who's cool and who isn't. d) Who's important and who isn't. e) All of the above.
  2. The poem says that if a person looked very carefully...a) He would see that everyone is weird. b) He would see that what might look weird really isn't. c) He would see that what might seem sane really isn't. d) All of the above. e) b and c.
  3. The poem says that if you disagree with the majority...a) You're weird. b) You're stupid. c) You're considered dangerous. d) You're doing the right thing.
  4. "Being me, it will not be white." a) He is turning in his theme on colored paper. b) His life experiences make him what he is, and that will come out in his writing. c) The teacher will automatically be prejudiced against his paper. d) The teacher will be able to tell it was written by a black person.
  5. "I guess you learn from me— although you’re older—and white— and somewhat more free." Langston Hughes is probably saying...a) that he has many things to teach his teacher. b) that his teacher can't really ever understand what his life is really like. c) that older people are sometimes wrong. d) None of the above. e) All of the above.
  6. "I am the only colored student in my class. The steps from the hill lead down into Harlem...sit down and write this page:" He makes a big deal about how he gets home to do this paper because... a) he lives in a dangerous neighborhood. b) he's trying to show how far he has to walk. c) he's making the point that he lives in a world very different than that of teacher. d) he's trying to show how poor he is.
  7. "Go home and write a page tonight. And let that page come out of you—Then, it will be true." The word "true" in line #5 most likely means: a) factually correct, b) believable , c) told straight, without any extra details  d) truly personal and important.
  8. The word theme, as it is used here, most likely means: a) what the poem is really about, b) another name for a piece of writing, c) what the poem relates to, d) none of the above.
  9. Harlem is a neighborhood in...a) New Jersey, b) North Carolina, c) South-Central L.A., d) Manhattan, e) none of the above.
  10. Winston-Salem is a city in... a) New Jersey. b) New York. c) North Carolina. d) Manhattan.
  11. "Bessie" is... a) Bessie Armstrong. b) Bess Truman. c) Bessie Smith. d) Bess Jones.
  12. The "college on the hill above Harlem" is __________________.
  13. Bop is a type of...a) gun, b) jazz music, c) blues music, d) drumming, e) none of the above.
  14. The idea of America as the "melting pot" means... a) that America is a place where people from many cultures can come and still be Russian or Irish or whatever, b) that America is a place where people from many cultures come and become "Americans", c) that America is a place where people from many cultures can come and have their own sections of cities and neighborhoods, d) a and c, e) none of the above. f) all of the above.
  15. Which of the following quotes best shows what Langston Hughes is probably trying to tell his teacher? (What is the theme of "Theme..."?) a) "That's American." b) "Being me, it will not be white." c) "I like to work, read, learn, and understand life." d) "I am the only colored student in my class." e) "although you're older--and white--and somewhat more free." f) c and e, g) none of the above.