Thursday, 3/21/02
Warm Up I.
"If everyone dislikes it, it must be looked into. If everyone likes it, it must be looked into."  --Confucius
a) Everyone should like and dislike the same things. b) Majority rules. c) If everyone agrees that something is good or bad, there must be a reason. d) We should investigate everything.
"A superior man...acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions." --Confucius
a) Think before you act. b) Explain your actions. c) Back up what you say by doing it first. d) Act without thinking. e) Speak softly and carry a big stick. f) Teach others about your actions.
"To know what you know and know what you do not know is the mark of a person who knows."  -Confucius
a) Nobody knows anything. b) If you know what you know, you don't know what you don't know. c) A wise person tries to know everything. d) A wise person realizes he doesn't know everything.

Warm Up II. Copy

  1. *freeze : antifreeze :: name : _________
  2. *"together throw thing" = ____________.
  3. *"after day"
  4. *statute : law :: ___________ : guesswork
  5. fish : mermaid :: horse : _______
  6. What can you hold without touching it?
Dragonwings Reading Check
  1. The word demon can have which of the following meanings for Moon Shadow? a) Ghost of a dead person. b) An American. c)  A certain type of tiger. d) A fickle creature. e) All of the above. f) a and b.
  2. Moon Shadow's father, back in China, had been...a) a tailor. b) an author. c) a kitemaker. d) a store owner.
  3. When he finally passes through immigration, and gets a closer look at San Francisco, the first thing Moon Shadow notices about the city is...a) the vastness of it. b) the fog. c) how busy it was. d) how boring the architecture was.
  4. (2) What two things did Moon Shadow have to remember when the officials at immigration questioned him about his name and his age?
  5. (2) "Big talk! You're like the blind man who catches sparrows and calls them phoenixes." (p9) To whom is Grandmother referring? What does she mean?
  6. The real reason Hand Clap wanted to go back to America to work was...a) his daughters needed large dowries. b) there was more excitement in America. c) he owed a lot of money. d) None of the above.
Chinese Characters--Examples 1 and 2 (p19). More.