Wednesday, 3/27/02
Warm Up. What is it?
2. 3. 4. (2) 5. Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest -- transparent, flourish(n and
v), nimble, translucent, malicious, malleable, chide, prudent, goad, binge,
Sometimes my mom looks at me as though I were ____________;
it's as though she can see right through me.
I had to be very _________ to avoid being hit by the pitch.
The baseball slugger always signs his autograph with a fancy
Vandalism is considered a type of _______ mischief under
the law, and therefore a serious crime.
I felt a little sick after my Halloween candy ____________.
The more knowledge and experience you have, the less ________
you become. You learn to make your own decisions and not be so influenced
by others.
The teacher __________(ed) me for my sloppy handwriting.
One of the reasons gold is good for jewelry is that it is
a _________ metal which can be formed into almost any shape.
It would not be ________ to cuss at a police officer.
Tom's joy when Becky finally talked to him was complete and
Drunken demons ________(ed) Grandfather into fighting back,
and then they killed him.
A dog (or any other pet) will _________ if you take the time
and care for its needs.
Bonus: If part of the word transparent comes from
the Latin
parer, which means to appear, and part of
the word
translucent comes from the Latin lucere,
which means
to shine, what does the Latin root trans
"What’s here belongs neither to us nor to the demons. It’s
only a form of a much greater and purer magic. It can do harm in the hands
of the wrong man and lash back on him; but the superior man need not be
afraid." (p33) What is Father talking about? a) Electricity.
b) Magic. c) Science. d) Dragons. e) Money
Bonus: What is an example of doing "harm in the hands of
the wrong man"?
According to Father’s dream, how can he become a "dragon"
The dragons' name for humans is _______________.
He is frightened by "strangely constructed machines."
He is in his fifties and "lively as a cricket."
He "doesn’t know much about being a father."
"In a better time and place, (he) might have been a sculptor."