Thursday, 11/01/01
Warm Up. Do only if you are already done with the Vocabulary Pretest. Correct Vocabulary Pretest.
  1. *idle : diligent :: idol : _________
  2. *fruitful : prolific :: indiscreet : ___________
  3. *win : triumph : defeat : _______
  4. *subtle : furtive :: joyous : _________
  5. *Darry : diligent :: Tom : ___________
  6. Mystery Student: 1st: No safe Darry, 3rd: I'd go alert Moses, 4th: Khaki Nose Tip, 5th: Hop at Sally Ann, 6th: I Mars rat cub
Read the quote and answer the following questions:
1) What does Mr. Clemens mean? (Hint: Who really got smarter?) 2) Who is Samuel Clemens?
     "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."        -Samuel Clemens.
Tom Sawyer reading practice...Reread the paragraph on page 16--brown (p15--white) that begins, "She was so overcome..." Answer the following questions:
  1. "Overcome by the splendor of his achievement..." means...
  2. His reward for doing a good job was...
  3. As she gave him his reward, Aunt Polly also gave him a talk about...
  4. What does the last sentence of the paragraph mean?
    Reread the next paragraph as well.
  5. How did Tom get revenge on Sid for the tattling about the black thread?
  6. What does "had taken personal effect" mean?
  7. Why did Tom climb the fence instead of using the gate? (Do not quote! Interpret!)
    Reread the next paragraph.
  8. What in tarnation are Tom and his friend Joe doing?
Read Chapter 4 aloud...