Monday, 11/19/01
Copy homework into assignment book. All homework due at end of period tomorrow. Be sure you have read!
Warm Up A.
  1. pronoun : substitution :: verb : _________
  2. atom : nucleus :: solar system : _________
  3. tap : water :: ________ : electricity
  4. Carlos May : Chuck Norris :: __________: Sam Clemens
  5. am : wasn't :: _______ : couldn't
Finish TS Quiz. (Done? Do paragraph scramble below.) Correct.
Tom Sawyer aloud...Chapter 15-->
Paragraph scramble. Counts for 600. Use separate sheet. (+2 each)
1a) Tom's thoughts grew more worrisome.
1b) The hooting of a distant owl was all the sound that troubled the dead stillness.
*1c) They waited in silence for what seemed like a long time.
1d) So he said in a whisper, "Hucky, do you believe the dead people like it for us to be here?"
1e) He must force some talk. (55)